Ch. 18

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"Babe, dinner!" I heard Harry holler from the kitchen. I got up from the couch and bounced on the balls of my feet to the kitchen happily. Harry met me halfway and handed me a bowl of warm chili pecking me on the lips before I headed back to the sofa.

"Thanks babe," I said genuinely. He joined me soon with his own bowl, flopping down beside me in the crook of the couch. He placed his bowl on the ground near him before grabbing my hips and pulling me toward him; a silent signal to climb into his lap. I did of course; my back to his chest as I settled between his legs comfortably. I leaned back eating my chili as he grabbed his food. His bowl was set on my lap as he ate with his arms around me. This was a typical night for us. Just cuddling until I grew too tired to stay awake. Then sometimes Harry would carry me to the bedroom, though he and I both knew I could walk perfectly fine. He didn't mind though.

We were halfway through the first hunger games movie; having a debate on whether Katniss should go with Gale or Peeta.

"I say Gale, I mean she's known him forever! It would be like falling in love with your best friend." I stated. Harry groaned.

"I say Peeta. He can cook for her and he's better looking. Besides he's a baker, I was a baker before so I instantly like him." He seemed proud. I rolled my eyes.

"Bullshit Gale is waaayy hotter," I drug out.

"Gale can't do shit."

"Peeta's a pussy." I snapped. He gasped.

"Rude!" I folded my arms over my chest sassily. "That's mean, he's not a-"

"Wow, look who else is a pussy." I looked at him over my shoulder. He glared playfully at me.

"You're a dick." He pouted.

"Well I am what I eat babe," I winked. He just rolled his eyes this time, landing a kiss on my lips then to my neck.

"Why don't we just agree to disagree?" I nodded.

"Yeah... But I'm still right." I knew I was being stubborn, but it was fun to mess with Harry.


"Loouu," I heard a voice drag out as I was being woken up. "Louuiiss," I then knew it was Harry. I kept my eyes shut as I then noticed Harry's weight on top of me, littering my neck and face with kisses. "Wake uuuup," he whined. I smiled and rolled onto my back since I was on my side before, mine and Harry's faces now close. I slowly cracked open my eyes to see his green ones shinning back at me.

"Hi," I blushed. He settled with a leg between mine as our chests were flush. He put one hand by my head to support himself as the other brushed my messy fringe from my forehead.

"Morning, pretty," he beamed down at me. He bent down to leave an air like kiss to my nose. I rolled my eyes to cover my red cheeks.


"You love it," he winked.


Only I worked today, the restaurant being closed due to Harry's boss being out of town. I didn't have to go in until later either so we got to enjoy breakfast together. At least I thought it would be enjoyable...

I ate my bowl of Cheerios as Harry ate some Lucky Charms. He broke the comfortable silence.

"So before you got up," he started.

"Mhm?" I asked around a spoonful.

"Uh.." He moved his cereal around in his bowl not making eye contact. "Your mum called." I removed my spoon and chewed, then swallowed before dropping the silverware into the bowl with a small clank.

"She what?"


I watched him carefully. "What did she say?" I asked leaning back in my chair folding my arms. What kind of business did that woman have calling me?

"It was hard to understand her. But she was pretty frantic, sounded like she was crying. She just kept pleading with me to tell you she was sorry for what was going to happen..." He trailed off in thought. I let his words sink in. What did she mean? 'Sorry for what was going to happen'... Wh- "I think you should call her." He said matter of fact.
My eyes went hard.

"Call her?" I questioned sharply. He nodded.


"You want me to call that... That sorry excuse of a mother?!" I barked.


"No." I protested shaking my head. "You're out of your mind. I'm never giving that woman, or man, the time of day!" I said throwing my hands in the air; frustrated.

"Louis, listen." I glared at him then raised an eyebrow. "I know what they both did was beyond wrong," I scoffed, but he just carried on. "But she sounded so... Desperate and I think she deserves to be heard for whatever she may have to say, deserves a small chance-"

"Fuck you." I spat standing up. He looked shocked; eyes wide and breathing stopping for a moment. How dare he? "How dare you say they deserve anything!" He now stood, but not aggressively like I had.

"Babe, please don't be difficult-"

"Don't babe me!" He shook his head and pinched his nose, running a hand through his hair obviously getting frustrated.

"Do not take your anger out on me, Louis." He looked up at me his eyes showing that he was getting a tad pissed.

"You're the one who made me angry!" I shouted gesturing toward him. He frowned.

"Me? How?" Now his voice was raised; him now on defense much like I was. "All I was doing was giving you a suggestion!"

"Yeah, a stupid fucking one!" I yelled. I then headed toward the door but not before grabbing the car keys. I started slipping on my shoes.

"Fucking hell Louis-"

"I am not calling my mum and fuck you for thinking I ever would!" I bent down putting on my other shoe. "You're such a prick Harry," I now stood up straight. His eyes narrowed. "Your little, 'give your mum a chance,' " I mocked his voice as I walked toward him. " 'she deserves it' " I hissed, quoting him. He crossed his arms standing his ground as I now stood directly in front of him. I strained my neck as he was taller.

"Then tell me, how the hell does that make me a prick? Hmm?" He growled. I searched his face. He was now indeed mad. But that didn't stop the next comment from coming out of my mouth.

"You're a fucking prick because you can't even give your equally as shitty mother, a 'deserved chance' " I put in air quotes. His mouth went slightly ajar. His eyes went soft in a sad way, but a second later they turned to an emotion I never would of thought he would use on me.

They went cold.

"Go to hell, Louis." He said through clenched teeth. I just gazed at him. His words echoed with the ones my dad had said the last time we saw one another. ' Rot in hell. '

"That was a low fucking blow." He growled. I rolled my eyes turning on the defense instead of getting emotional.

"Whatever." I stated. I turned to go out the flat door. I wanted to leave so I didn't say another thing I would later regret.

"Have a great day at work, honey!" Sarcasm was beyond thick in his voice. I grabbed the handle pulling the door open. "Love you!" It wasn't sweet; it was harsh. I turned back at him, giving him the middle finger before closing the door with a loud slam.



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