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3rd POV.

As the end of the day came closer - Yo was growing more and more anxious. He really didn't want to go home. He knew by time he got home, there wouldn't be any food left for him, there wouldn't be any hot water left, there would be nothing but his small bed of pillows and a ripped blanket.

So he stayed at school as long as he could before it got too cold and dark.

He sat against a tree, near the medical building, and just watched the sunset. He also worked on a few flower crowns that he could hopefully sell.

As he was working on a few roses, someone sat beside him.

"Hey, I'm Forth." Forth said and Yo looked up at him confused.

"I'm Wayo." Yo said and looked up at the man.

"You were with Phana this morning?" Forth asked.

Yo nodded.

"He bought flowers from me. And then gave me a ride to school," Yo said.

Forth nodded and watched Yo work on a crown. That went on for a few minutes before footsteps and a laughing baby were heard in front of them.

"Aww Milo's happy," Forth smiled and stood up to take the baby from Phana.

"He just woke up. Hi N'Yo." Phana smiled, saying hi to Yo.

"Hi P'Pha," Yo smiled and put his things back in his bag before standing up.

"Is Beam in the car?" Phana asked.

Forth shook his head. "He's at home sleeping. He wasn't feeling well,"

Yo had started walking away when Phana called him.

"Yo, do you need a ride?"

Yo shook his head. "I don't live that far from here," he lied.

"It's alright. We can drop you off on our way home," Forth said and held Milo closer when the wind picked up.

"Go wait in the car babe. I don't want Milo to get sick." Phana said and Forth nodded walking to the car.

Phana stood next to Yo and gave him his jacket. The small boy was shivering in his thin dress shirt. Yo smiled, grateful.

"Are you ok?" Phana asked and Yo didn't really react.

Phana was worried for the boy. He knew something was up this morning when he saw him selling flowers - but he didn't think to ask Yo why he was.

"I don't want to go home." Yo said quietly while picking thorns off a rose.

"Is it not safe?" Phana asked and unconsciously lead Yo to his car. Yo nodded.

"There's nothing left for me there." Yo said.

"What do you mean?" Phana asked.

"Babe, let's get him home first. It's freezing. Yo, are you hungry? I can cook anything you want," Forth said from the backseat where he was sitting beside the baby's car seat.

Yo shook his head. But his stomach betrayed him and growled. Yo blushed embarrassed and nodded.

"Do you like chicken?" Forth asked.

Yo nodded. "Thank you,"

"It's not a problem Nong. How old are you?" Forth asked - Phana started the car and started driving to their home.

"I'm 20. 21 in March," Yo said.

"You look so much younger..." Forth was surprised.

"Thank you," Yo smiled slightly.

- at PFB's House -

Yo got out of the car and waited for Phana and Forth. He noticed Pha struggling with their bags and the baby things - so Yo grabbed their bags and held the baby bag while they go the car seat (and Milo) out.

"Thank you, just on the table there is fine," Forth smiled and unlocked the front door - letting Phana and Yo in first.

Yo set the bags down and jumped when something ran across his foot.

"Not a dog person?" Phana asked.

"Just surprised me. I didn't see them," Yo said and bent down to pet the small Pomeranian.

"Her name is Lola," A boy said coming down stairs and yawning.

"She's beautiful," Yo smiled when the pup licked his hand.

"I'm Beam. Forth and Pha's husband - Milo's mom." Beam said and Yo stood up to greet him.

"I'm Wayo. Nice to meet you," Yo smiled and Beam ruffled his hair.

"You're cute. What's up?" Beam asked and led Yo (and Lola) to the couch while Forth started cooking and Phana brought Milo to Beam before going upstairs.

Yo didn't want to tell him. He didn't want the pity. But Forth spoke up for him anyway.

"He's like me. Doesn't want to go home. Nothing left there." Forth said.

Yo nodded. "My brother is the only reason I stay... He protects me."

Beam held his hand to comfort him.

"You can stay here as long as you need to. Did you let your brother know you're here?" Beam asked.

"I don't have a phone," Yo said shaking his head.

Beam took his phone from his pocket and handed it to Yo.

Yo called Pharm, let him know he was staying over with a friend. Pharm said it was ok and to stay safe.

"Food's ready, baby - does Milo need a bottle?" Forth asked and set all of the food on the kitchen table.

"He's alright for now. I don't think he's tired," Beam said and picked Milo up - bring him with them to the table.

Yo sat beside Phana and slowly ate. It's been awhile since he's eaten a ton of food like this.

"Are you ok?" Phana asked Yo.

"I'm ok, it's been awhile since I've had a lot to eat like this. My family isn't very wealthy. That's why we sell flowers..." Yo said and then ate a little more.

After they ate, Beam gave Yo some clothes and showed him their guest room. Once Yo was asleep - the three husbands started talking.

"Do you think Ming and Kit would mind him living with them? They're looking for a third... And he seems to be their type," Forth said.

"Maybe. Let's get some sleep," Beam said.

"Ming would love him. I don't think he's Kit's type though," Phana said.

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