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3 months later

3rd POV.

"Do either of you want to explain WHY there are reports and paparazzi following me around school?" Yo asked as soon as he walked into MingKit's house.

"What?" Ming was shocked.

"Did they hurt you?" Kit was worried.

"Explain why they're there. It's really creepy," Yo said and sat on Ming's lap.

"Well, word must've gotten out that we're boyfriends. Maybe my interns are gossiping again." Ming said.

"But why would reporters and photographers care about us?" Yo was so confused over this mess.

"I'm the BEST surgeon in Thailand. And my father happens to be very high up in the political world... So, just by association - the media loves to follow me around. Ming on the other hand, is a CEO of a billion dollar company. Plus his Mother has royal blood - and he's married to me; so the media follows him as well." Kit explained.

"It was only a matter of time before they found out about you as well. Because you're our boyfriend, they'll be following you around trying to find out more about us." Ming said.

Yo was slowly understanding all of that.

"So you already had this attention, and now that they somehow found out about me, they're gonna follow me around too?" Yo asked.

"Yeah," MingKit nodded sadly.

"For how long?" Yo asked.

MingKit didn't have an answer for that.

"We don't know. Probably until Kit or I speak on it publicly. But then that will cause even more attention on you... So either way, we're kind of stuck with it for a bit." Ming said.

Kit got up and walked towards his room.

"I'm calling Dad." Kit said and shut the door.

Ming actually shivered in fear when Kit said that. Yo just wrapped himself around the older thinking he was cold.

"I'm not cold baby, thank you though. I shivered because Kit is calling his father. That man is terrifying, hates me, and will probably be coming over soon." Ming explained.

"If he hates you. Then how were you and Kit able to get married? If he's high-up politically, wouldn't he try to stop you two?" Yo asked.

Ming nodded. "He tried stopping us a few times. But once he saw how badly Kit was reacting to all of the weddings being ruined, he stopped trying to stop us. He paid for the whole wedding and this house to make up for everything... Kit hasn't really spoken to him since then. He's been mad at him all this time."

Yo nodded along, not really sure what else to say.

"Is your family supportive?" Yo asked.

Ming nodded. "They were. They helped us with all the planning and decorating. My mom even offered to fly us to America so Kit's father wouldn't ruin anything."

Yo took notice on how Ming's smile slowly went away.

"Minie... what's wrong?" Yo was worried he said something to make Ming sad.

"My family, they aren't supportive of Kit and I any more. Once my mom realised that she wasn't getting any (biological) grandkids, she started trying to find ways to get us to split up. She even went as far as hiring people to attack Kit and make it look like he was cheating on me... She was so manipulative and abusive... But I don't have to worry about her any more... We haven't spoken in four years." Ming explained.

Yo got very quiet hearing Ming talk about his mom not being supportive. Yo can relate. Yo didn't realise it till Ming caught his attention; but he was crying.

"Baby, why are you crying?" Ming was concerned and hugged Yo tightly. Cuddles usually calm Yo down pretty quickly.

"My family is the same way... But they never loved Pharm and I. (or Dean). When Pharm brought Dean home (nearly ten years ago) the first time... My dad threw a knife at them. Mom was supportive of them at first, but dad kept putting these horrible thoughts into her head about them.. He would make up lies about them. So she asked them to breakup. She didn't like them anymore. They refused. It caused lots of fights around the house... Pharm was kicked out a couple months later - and I (11 at the time) became their stress-reliever. Dad would hurt and abuse me; mom hired men to... Yeah. I was only able to escape it when my mother was found dead in our front yard. I got sent to an orphanage because my dad was the one who killed her... I was there for a long time. I never got adopted. I was kicked out at 18. I found Pharm and Dean again; lived with them. And then three years ago, dad got out of prison and manipulated the three of us into moving back in with him. He continued abusing us. Dean fought back for Pharm and I most times... And then Pha found me last year and PharmDean were able to get us a new house away from our dad... And I met you guys..." Yo was slowly running out of things to say about it.

Ming just rubbed his back and held him.
Kit had heard the whole thing and rushed over to Yo hugging him tightly as well.

The three sat there for a few hours, Yo and Ming falling asleep.

Shortly after they fell asleep, Kit's dad arrived.

"Kit! It's been awhile. How've you been?" Kit's dad was very happy to see his only son. Despite being terrible at first, he's really changed into a caring man towards MingKit.

"Hey dad, come in," Kit let the old man in and lead him to the living room.

"Who's the small boy?" Mr. K whispered as he saw Ming and Yo sleeping on the couch.

"That's Wayo, he's our boyfriend. That's why I called you here. Reporters and photographers are following him around the college he attends. I need your help to stop them," Kit said.

"Are you there public?" Mr. K asked.

Kit shook his head. "No. Only Forth and his husbands, and Wayo's brothers know about us,"

"Has he been to Ming's work? Or yours?" Mr. K asked.

"He was a patient of mine before we started dating. And he's never been with Ming at his company - but he did go there last week with Forth and Milo, he was babysitting while Forth worked." Kit explained.

Ming slowly woke up and looked around the room a bit confused. Yo was still asleep, but whined everytime Ming moved.

"Hi," Ming mumbled to Kit's dad - still not fully aware.

"Hello Ming," Mr. K smiled.

"Let me see what I can do Kit. For now, you three should stay here till I sort it out. I'll calk you soon," Mr. K said and Kit lead him back out to his car.

Ming looked at Yo and wiped some tears away. He kissed his forehead and let the youngest sleep.

"Everything's going to be ok. I promise."

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