Oikawa is flat

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Y/n's POV
"So, what is it like?" Daichi asked while handing over a juice box to me.

"My work?" I asked

"Daichi... you can't just as that" Suga mumbled.

"Don't worry!" I smiled "It's interesting, I love all my clients. They're very sweet to me, some give me directions on how to do my hair a specific way. Others tell me how to dress, and how to act. They only tend to ask when they want a girl similar to their ex girlfriend." I explained.

"Do you really like them?" Hinata asked.

"Of course. I like them, they're people who want company. I myself am a pretty lonely person. I enjoy all the company I can get" I smiled.

"You have 5 star reviews!! Every single one of them" Tanaka said while looking at Nishinoyas phone.

I giggled "I try to be patient and nice towards everyone I meet"

"You can be honest with us though, you know? We're really curious about all of this. Are all of them really nice?" Kageyama asked, sitting down in front of me.

I sat down on the bench.

Tsukishima's POV
Yamaguchi and I walked towards the crowd.

"Are all of them really nice?" The king asked her.

She sat down, her smile quickly faded away.

"Not at all." She looked even scarier than Kageyama.

"What? So she's not so perfect after all." I laughed.

"I go on dates with women as well. The women are the nicest to me, they genuinely care about me." She said while pulling out the straw to her juice box and playing with it.

"The men scare me. I've never been comfortable around men, not even my own father." She looked at all the boys. "I feel pretty safe around you guys" She smiled "There's times where men expect me to go back home with them."

"You're a pros-" Tanaka was interrupted.

"No. Hell no. Why would I do that" She laughed nervously. "I'm 15." She confessed to all of us.

"Didn't the app say 18+?" Tanaka asked.

"It said all the girls are over 18." Nishinoya replied.

"My family needs the money. I let them all think I got a job when in reality nobody wants to hire me."

"Just date me and you won't ever have to work again" A voice behind us said.

We all turned around and saw him.



I blushed and turned back. No way. This can't be happening.

"Who might this pretty lady be?" Oikawa walked closer to me and froze.

"hey Toru." I was trying so hard to not laugh.

"hey... y/n... what are you doing here?" Oikawa was so confused.

I bursted out laughing. "They ordered me."

"No way. Why are you guys ordering her?!" Oikawa screamed.

"Don't worry they're just curious Toru" I kissed Toru on the cheek.

Oikawa turned into a blushing mess.

"Y/N I want a kiss too!!" Nishinoya and Tanaka screamed.

I walked up to both of them and kissed them on their cheeks. "Hap-" I was RUDELY interrupted when both of them fainted on the floor.

Rent A Girlfriend (Tsukishima x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now