Chapter II

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Another day I arrived at the Françoise Dupont school, where all the students kept doing their normal activities within the institution.

Well, almost everyone.

"I'm late, I'm late, I'm late." Tikki why didn't you wake me up ?! - A certain blond ran through the park to be able to get to class on time.

"You never listen to me when I wake you up." - Tikki disavowed from Adrien's jacket.

- I know! Believe me, I'm sorry! - He said before running faster.

He dodged and looked everywhere to see if any car appeared to be able to continue in his morning marathon. It was fortunate that her home was not far from school. The last thing she needed was not to go to any class; Many were already missing because of the akumas that appeared when least expected.

When he arrives, he opens the door of the classroom with great care so as not to be discovered, but.

Luck was never on his side.

—Young Agreste, if you're going to be late at least be kind enough not to make noise. It lacks. - The teacher turned to see Adrien, who quickly lifted her backpack from the floor and went to sit where ever, behind the front seat.

A certain jet stared with curious eyes at the scene.

- What's up buddy? - Nino questioned worried in a low voice as Adrien sat down next to him. - Why again late?

-I could not sleep well last night. Adrien gently slaps her head against the desk. - And when I finally did it it was daylight. - Confess with regret.

Sure, how could he possibly sleep if Howk Moth was given to akumatizing people at night now?

At first he was not used to having to leave at such late hours, but he could not think of that when all of Paris was in danger; even if it was the most tortuous early morning. At least he wasn't fighting alone, he had Kitty Noir helping him as always.... Not counting the blatant flirtation on the girl's part, of course.

Nino looked at him with a mixture of concern and a desire to hit him. What did he do to not be able to sleep? Drink coffee or play video games until dawn? Or does it have a double life?

He lets out a sigh and shakes his head at something amused by that thought.


- I thought I couldn't stay awake any longer!

Adrien leaps onto the patio bench followed by a quiet Nino.

The whole class was nodding, struggling not to sleep halfway through the lesson. If Tikki hadn't been pinching her in the stomach she wouldn't have held on.

"Brother, you have no choice." - He sits next to Adrien. - Hey look at the improvements Alya made to the blog. - Shows her her cell phone on the Lorblog page.

The "Lordblog" is the page created by Nino and Alya, Marinette's friend. The blog consisted of all the things Lordbug did. Who is he, how old will he be, what person is escoda after Catarina's costume, trivia of what happens, there's even a test! Are you more Lordbug or Kitty Noir?

Nino was in charge of making the designs, the type of music and uploading the news for the blog and Alya was in charge of bringing the new notes, creating the colors and everything that was some journalistic work about Lorbug.

Adrien cringed in his seat, somewhat uncomfortable and embarrassed. Not that it bothered him to see or know what his friend was doing on the blog, but rather that they were talking about him after all. Although they did not know it.

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