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Note: The clarified meaning of the Shakespearic conversation in the last chapter has been added as a note at the end of it. Those who didn't understand, please go through it. I hope it would clear the confusion! ❤️

~Maybe, we all are making mistakes, and none of us can tell.
- Little Things, S3 ~

Ten days later:

Nandini sat in the OPD, her mind clouded with thoughts. Her eyes would flicker every few seconds to the prescriptions the PGs were writing, to oversee them, or would reply if asked a question, but otherwise, she sat staring into nothingness, wanting to detangle the chaos in her mind. A sigh escaped her as she shook her head to herself, she needed to have a grip over herself.

The door opened and Dr. Manik entered, immediately all the residents and Nandini stood up in response. Manik nodded his head before gesturing Nandini to come out. Nandini followed the command and moved near the door.

"We have been called for a consult in the surgical wing. I want you to come with me, since you haven't done any consult wrt the other departments yet", Manik's tone was firm, yet gentle - like it always had been, but today it didn't send Nandini into a frenzy because she realized that she didn't need to over analyse, or for that even analyze every sentence he spoke or every move he made. She quietly nodded and turned on her heels to collect her stethoscope and notepad, and instructed the residents to carry on, and call her if they feel stuck anywhere.

Manik and Nandini walked towards the elevator in silence, but she did stole a glance or two to make sure his arm was fine. His facial bruises seemed to have healed in the past week he was forced to rest.

"The patient - Mr. Singh, is a fifty two year old businessman", Manik spoke, his eyes not on Nandini, as they walked ahead and entered the lift, before pressing the button for the fifth floor- the surgical floor, "and had been admitted for frost bites and Deep Vein Thrombosis", he continued, and finally paused to look at Nandini who was already staring at him with a frown.

"Then why the psych consult?", she questioned, and Manik chuckled, shrugging his shoulders.

"His family complains that he is hell bent on charity, he gave away two of their cars last week, and his boots two days ago, to a homeless woman, that's how he got frost bites, because he didn't buy himself even new slippers and continued to roam around the city in cold, his excuse he was making sure someone else didn't need something he could help with !", Manik answered, and Nandini opened her mouth to say something and then closed it.

"and we are going to trust the family?", her question met a raised eyebrow from her mentor.

"Of course not, we are going to have first person history from the patient himself", he spoke, the elevator dinged the same moment, and they both walked out towards the private rooms on the floor. They met the third year resident in charge of the case, and took the basic patient history from him, before Manik gestured Nandini to walk in. They found the patient sitting on the bed, reading a book. Manik signalled Nandini to begin the conversation for it was an opportunity for her to learn.

"Good morning, Mr. Singh, I suppose?", Nandini greeted, and the man smiled, nodding at her, forwarding a hand for her to shake. She did, followed by Manik, and they introduced themselves one by one.

"Mr. Singh, we have a few questions we would like you to answer, if you don't mind?", Nandini asked softly, and Mr. Singh chuckled out loud.

"Of course! My family anyway thinks I have gone nuts, I guess talking to you would either cure me or them, of the notion!", he grinned, earning smiles from both Manik and Nandini. Nandini noticed the man was cheerful and optimistic, to say at the least.

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