e i g h t | king of the streets

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The atmosphere was tense, heavy, like something was was on your chest about to crush your ribcage. It was as if time was on a standstill, making you watch the moment before you'd fall down the deathly drop. Even with the smallest movement, you'd trip and fall in the burning fire that was ignited by your greed. The same one that would be the cause of your doom.

That was what everyone in the makeshift tent was feeling right now.

After the arrival of the Red Dragons and their confrontation with the Hellions it made all the effects of the alcohol wash away and now you were left even more sober than you were before.

All eyes turned to the two leader who were at each other necks, wondering what their next move would be.

Kanji was the first one to speak, putting down his cup and turning around to face the angered man." Taeyong, what a surprise!-" He began but was interrupted.

" Cut the bullshit. You know why I'm here. "

Kanji laughed, but you could sense the nervousness in his voice. His laugh wasn't a natural one. " What do you mean? " He asked.

Taeyong scoffed, " You know exactly what I mean. " He then grabbed Kanji by the collar earning gasps from some of the people there. " You attacked one of my men. "  Kanji gestured to his bodyguards and gang member to sit back down as they were standing up, ready to fight Taeyong.

" Oh, it's about that. " Kanji said, the tone of his voice made Taeyong want to slam his head onto the table but he held himself back. He released his grip on Kanji's collar and the man sat back down.

" Well, you're in my territory now. You know what that means, " Of course, Taeyong had it coming. He knew that the people of Neo City had their own unique and more thrilling way of settling disputes.

" Let's race. "

" If I win, you stay the fuck out of my territory and never bother me again. Same for you if you win. " Kanji said and ran a hand through his slicked back hair and fixed his collar. " Deal? "

" Deal. "

Crowds of excited peolle filled the bleachers that were set up at the starting point. All of them were estatic, it was a big fight between two big name leaders, a war between kings, but only one will emerge victorious.

The betting stalls were swarmed with people and the amount of money being handed was probably three times more than usual amount. Even the other racers stood back and watched, curious to know how it would all play out.

On the ground were the two leaders at the center of the line of racers. Kanji with his bright yellow Ferrari and Taeyong who borrowed a striking red McLaren from a close friend who happened to be there as well. Jaemin and I made our way to him, squeezing through the sea of spectators.

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