Chaewon's Story

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Third Person's View

November 17, 2013

The night was getting deeper. The clouds were starting to thin out and the moonlight shines in between the clouds.

The sound of cars were heard and the smoke coming from it was inhaled by the 2 girls walking along a side walk.

A short haired girl was walking down the street a little late at night along with an angel beside her.

The street lamps shined on Minju making her face more angelic than it had ever been.

The older was so focused on the younger that all the sounds, smell and the background was gone.

It was like it was her and the younger.

They are childhood sweethearts.

Both their families own a company and they are also the top 1 most influencial family in Asia.

Kim Minju and Kim Chaewon are both arranged to a marriage when both of them are old enough.

Their families are called the 2Kim Corp. which is a roval of the Jang and Ahn Corp.

But recently, the 2Kim's family made a new partnership with the Ahn Corp.

The 2Kim had bodyguards tailing them and are watching the surroundings.

Minju is Chaewon's first and only love. But Minju loves someone else.

Minju loves her bestfriend Kriesha Chu.

Kriesha also loves Minju.

They might both still be kids but love knows no bound and age.

Minju was only forced to be with Chaewon because their parents knew how head over heels the older was with the younger.

Chaewon knew that Minju likes someone else but she just didn't mention it.

Minju is always cold and uninterested with Chaewon but when Kriesha visits them, Minju would forget that Chaewon was around.

Of course, Chaewon loves Minju so it really hurts her.

Chaewon really wanted Minju's attention and love but she knew that Minju wouldn't be happy with her.

'As long as you're happy, im happy.'

That's the thought Chaewon implanted in her head. Chaewon wanted to call off their wedding once Chaewon is over Minju.

Chaewon asked Minju to have a walk with her and talk.

Chaewon wanted to tell Minju everything today.

Chaewon's POV:

As I walk beside Minju, I couldn't help but tear up, realizing that this person beside me, will never be mine.

It's hard getting over your first love.

I look up barely seeing the stars that made the night sky light up.

I can see the moon bright, round and it was the only thing lighting uo this side of the earth.

It's like me and Minju.

Im the Earth and she's my Moon.

Without her, my night sky would be dark. Sure, some stars are there but the moon is the brightest thing there. It's the only thing close enough to light me up.

I hate seeing myself miserable.

I really want to end it now.

We sat by a bench and I faced her.

I saw her cold brown eyes stare into mine. This beautiful girl next to me can never be mine.

It hurts so much.

"Minju, I need to tell you something." I said while staring at her.

She just nod and gave me an expressionless amd cold stare.

For someone as hot as Minju, she's so cold.

"Let's tell our parents to call off the wedding." I started.

I look at her and saw a glint of happiness in her yes with a bit of confusion. No sadness.

Look's like she really doesn't want to huh?

My heart clenched and I steady my breathing to avoid any attacks because I didn't bring my medication today.

"Why?" She asked with a hint of surprised tone.

She knows how much im head over heels for her. Everyone knows.

"I really want to be with you Minju. But I know you're not happy. If you aren't happy, what's the whole point. I love you Kim Minju. I love you so much that i'm willing to give away my happiness to someone else." I said while looking down.

There was silence so I took that opportunitly to continue.

"Minju, I want you to be happy, because whenever I see you happy, my heart feels like it's about to go out of my chest, but whenever I look at you and see you sad, emotionless and cold, my heart clenches. I thought heartbreaks were only gonna hurt mentally but it also hurts physically." I said then I looked up to her brown captivating eyes.

"Minju, you can marry whoever you want. Just promise me that it will be the person you love. Someone you would want to give every part of you. Someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. Someone who will love you with all their heart. And someone who will never hurt you. Promise me Minju and I will set you free." I said while my eyes are getting teary.

It hurts me but I know it will hurt even more if I don't do this.

"S-sure. I promise." She said and for the first time ever since I met her, she actually smiled at me.

Whenever we were together, she woukd never smile. Sometimes she smiles but I wasn't the cause of it.

It was Kriesha. Minju really loves her doesn't she?

I then stood up and offered my hand over to her.

"Let's go back home. Mom and dad might kill us. Haha." I smiled bitterly at her and she took my hand in hers.

I guess this is the last time im gonna hold her hand like this.

"Let's go." She said.


We were the only ones crossing the street and we pressed the bitton to make the sign go green.

We walked hand in hand feeling hers with mine.

It's the last time.

I then heard some screeching and horns of cars so because of my insincts of keeping Minju safe, I pushed her aside only to feel someone bump into me and then pain and white lights took over.

Then my conciousness slipped out faster than a split second.

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