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TW: Homophobia


And bam, Jane's awesome dream is interrupted by her terrible brother, Thomas. Oh and look, Edwards there too, with pans. And they're being banged together.



Jane sits up slowly, rubbing her eyes. She looks up at her brothers slowly with an annoyed glance. "Can you like, shut up? Oh and while your at it, go the hell away!" Jane said, her voice rising in volume.

"Mom said that you needed to get up." Edward said, as if that made her horrible wake up call any better. "Did you have to wake me up like that?" Jane asked in the same annoyed tone.

"Yep." Edward nodded solemnly.

He then left Jane to wallow in peace about her dream. It took her another five minutes to actually get up and pick an outfit. When she finally came downstairs Henry (her brother) decided to make a comment about this.

"Look who finally decided to get up!"

Jane rolled her eyes and sat down at the counter, awaiting breakfast.

"Shut up, you don't come downstairs until 5 unless you're forced too. You have absolutely no room to judge."

Jane's mother then puts her plate down in front of her, "Thank you." Jane says politely, while moving to get peanut butter. Thomas frowns in disgust, "You aren't going to put peanut butter on your eggs are you? Because that's like, super gross."

Jane snatches the knife from her mother's hands and shouts, "No! Get it into your thick skull that I only put peanut butter on my toast. Just my toast!" 

She then aggressively spread the peanut butter onto her toast. Her mother widened her eyes at Jane, "What's your deal grumpy pants?" she asked with a look in her direction.

"Someone decided that waking me up could only be done by banging pots and pans together, instead of just turning on the light like a normal person." Jane grumbled while glaring at Thomas and Edward, who were pretending to not notice her angry glare.

"Boys, just turn the light on next time." Her mother scolded. She then turned back to Jane, "Now finish up, I need to get you to school before you're late." Jane quickly wolfed down the rest of her breakfast and picked her bag up.

"Did you study for your history test?" Jane shook her head no, "Why?" Her mother said in an exasperated/annoyed tone. "It's an easy topic, I learned about like 5 years ago with Catherine." Jane then flushed slightly at the mention of her crush.

Which is exactly when Elizabeth made her grand entrance.

"Ooooooohhhh, someone's got a cruuuusshhhhhh." She sang loudly, catching the attention of literally everyone in the house, excluding her father who was..... somewhere. Jane had regretted telling her sister that she was gay since 30 seconds after she told her she was gay.

"Crush on who?"

"No one."

"Ca -"

"Elizabeth Marie if you say one more word I will get the baby pictures out!" Jane threatens, earning a glare from her. She huffs and turns to her homework, since she was the unlucky contender to be home schooled.

"Alright, it's time to go!"

This is literally me just elongating the one shot but whatever.

-Author Who's A Little Distracted Right Now But It's Fine

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