The Meaning Of Home

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TW: Cussing, Homophobia, Catherine's parents are super aggressive with Jane's parents, Catherine basically tells Elizabeth to go fuck herself, Henry and Thomas show up, but then they leave cause the Aragon's are scary people, only when they want to be, half the time I'm not even warning you of important things, I'm just ruining the chapter, I think I'm done, we'll see, fair warning there could be some unexpected things in here, now I'm done.

Jane had been absolutely dreading this moment all week.

The Aragon's gently avoided the topic of,

We are going to have to pick your stuff up eventually.

They also walked in eggshells after the disastrous dinner, although Jane did have it to thank for them suddenly not adding every spicy thing in the world to their meals. But she felt bad about it, because she saw Catherine's face everytime she ate something with a red bell pepper.


Catherine really liked spicy food, so being cut off from it after 18 years of eating it was probably devastating. Jane tried to convince Catherine's mother that it was alright to make spicy food but she refused, remembering how Jane had actually started to cry from the over stimulation.

Jane stood outside her former home.

The Aragon's stood behind her, in a way that made her feel supported. It was their silent way of telling them that they were ready when she was, but in all honesty if that were the case Jane would never step foot in that house ever again.

Jane let out a sigh.

"Let's go." She said eventually, clearly not wanting to.

Catherine moved first, wrapping an arm around Jane's waist comfortably. It'd become a natural thing for them to do over the week. Anne made sure to note this, every, single, day. Oh yeah, there they were.

T.G.G all offered to help, but she only accepted Anne and Kat's offer. Mainly because they were her cousins. Anna and Cathy understood when Jane said 'It wouldn't help anything if there was an entire posse of gay people in a homophobic home.

Anne and Kat walked up to Jane.

"Hey." Anne said while Kat smiled and waved.

"So we aren't aloud to like, provoke them right?" Kat asked.

Instantly Jane knew that she was trying to stop Anne from doing something stupid, but part of Jane wanted to say 'no, go right ahead. You do whatever you want to do in there. They aren't my parents anymore.'

But that was a suicidal thought, especially since she knew what her father was capable of.

That made Jane shiver, her hand unknowingly reached up to touch her cheek. She winced when she accidentally brushed it too hard, causing Catherine to look over at her in concern.

"Hey, don't worry. If her tries to hurt you again, I'll probably kill him." She said in a cheery tone that made her sound a little crazy.

Jane smiled at this anyways, her heart bursting at how protective Catherine was of her. She turned and nuzzled herself into Catherine, who pulled her closer.

"I love you." Catherine whispered in Jane's ear, to ensure Anne wouldn't go off again about PDA.

"I love you too." Jane replied, determined to snuggle closer and never leave.

"We have to go inside." Catherine said quietly, earning a groan of protest from Jane.

She gently removed herself from Jane's tight grasp and ushered her to the door. Catherine's father knocked on the door. Jane's mother opened the door instantly with a wide smile.

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