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TW: Cussing, Happy Crying, Just Crying in general, this is a happy chapter, Jane's biological family is not in this chapter, if they were, this wouldn't be a happy chapter, Jane's family is in it though, if you think it's confusing, just read the damned chapter, if you expected clear and helpful warnings, you're clearly new here, hi, I don't do helpful, be wary, anything can happen in this chapter, T.G.G is in it, chaos is around every corner, alright I'm done.

The rest of Jane's senior year was great.

She eventually adjusted (very slowly) to the spicy food that the Aragon's were so fond of, and now Jane has a feeling that everything else would pale in comparison. Catherine looked at her understandingly, because she understood the pain of being told somethings spicy, and then feeling like she'd been lied to.

Jane couldn't believe she was already at graduation.

T.G.G had been planning their own personal senior trip, Catherine had been working at Burger King for a while (there were many horror stories, sometimes she came home with a haunted look in her eye. Jane just kissed her and forced her to go to bed) and saved up a decent sum, Anne and Kat convinced their parents to pitch in on the trip, Jane was broke so she couldn't do much, Cathy gave all her saved up money to help out (she'd been saving since she was 6, the girl had so much self control) which made Jane feel guilty that she couldn't help out (everyone insisted that is was fine, she'd been kicked out of her home, there were more important things to focus on), but that still left at least half of what they needed.

It was at that point that Anna had mysteriously shown up and given the rest of the money, that was the point when they were informed that she was one rich motherfucker.

("You've been holding out on me! How many times have I paid for your lunch?!"

"I really did forget my lunch money, Anne."

"But you could've paid me back!"

"Anne, love, please calm down."

"You've paid for her coffee before too."

"Never mind, this is outrageous! I dipped into my special coffee fund, and you could've paid for it yourself?!"

"This might be me, but I feel like you're all overreacting."

"Nope, you are absolutely right Lina, this is ridiculous."

"Thank you Jane! Thank you Catherine! You are both overreacting."

"What do you think Kat?"



"I knew."


Anna finally womaned up and asked Kat out.

( "Hey so, I have a quick question."


"You don't even know what I'm about to say."

"You told Anne valuable information."

"I - I - I'm gonna kill her."

"Why? I'm saying yes.")

And here they were.


Catherine's parents were trying their best not to cry. And were attempting to act like it wasn't even an urge, but Catherine kept saying,

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