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TW: Honestly nothing, probably, I'm not really trustworthy when it comes to warnings, oh Henry's here, but Jane wrecks him so it's fine, oh wait cussing, there's that

Jane walks swiftly through the halls, searching for her friends. 

She finally see's them and smiles.

The T.G.G (The Group of Gays) all wave at her, happy to see their final member arrive. Kat suddenly frowns at Jane, "You look mad, why are you mad? You're like, never mad." Jane shakes her head in exasperation, "First off I get mad, I just don't let it show -" 

Out of the corner of her eye she see's Anne open her mouth to most likely to start singing Let It Go, so Jane quickly forges on to stop that from happening again.

(Because last time was maybe the worst experience of her entire life. She went on for hours, and she dragged Kat and Anna into it. Catherine,both of them, had to literally yell at them to shut the hell up.)

"And I had to deal with my brothers the entire morning. At first I was having an amazing dream, like top 5, when my brothers decided to wake me up in the worst way possible, by banging pots and pans over my head. So now I have a head ache, I feel like Cathy. How do you live like this?"

Cathy took a sip of her coffee, used to the pain of head ache's. "First off, welcome to the club, and by drinking coffee all the time."

Jane shook her head in response. She begins to struggle with her locker before Catherine steps forward, "Here let me help you." She takes Jane's stuff and carries it until she opens the locker, but instead of giving her stuff back she puts it away for her. In exactly the right place. Jane flushed as she realized that Catherine knew where she kept her stuff.

"And then -" Jane continued, " - when I went down for breakfast and got the peanut butter for my toast, and Thomas was all like 'eewwwww you're putting peanut butter on your eggs' and I got annoyed because -"

"You only eat toast with peanut butter." Catherine finished.

"Yes, thank you - Anne that's not a history textbook it's math." Jane said quickly to Anne, who looked down at her books in surprise and cursed to herself, "Anyways I was telling mom about my wake up call when I accidentally mentioned my crushes name. So I blushed, as one does when thinking about their crush, and Elizabeth was all like 'oooohhh someone's got a crush'. And then my mom was all like 'who'. And then in the car she started her daily topic of 'gays are disgusting and I should really stop associating myself with them'"

Henry appears in the hallway and Jane instantly sighs in annoyance. He walks over to her at a speed that Jane can't match, or beat. He smiles and jumps in front of her, ignoring the dirty looks that are being thrown his way. He leans over and tries to kiss her, and that is the last of Jane's patience.

"Back off dipshit, I'm fucking gay." Jane snapped at him

Anne looks at Jane proudly while they walk to their seats in history when Kat pipes up. "That's got nothing on how I woke up." Jane tilts her head in challenge. "Someone cracked an egg over my head and poured flower on me. And then yelled about me taking too long in the shower." Kat slowly turned to glare at her cousin, who was conveniently looking the other way.

"Literally, what is wrong with you?" Catherine asks, causing Anne to shrug.



"You should really tell us who it is." Kat says while nodding.

"I don't think I should." Jane negates, before taking a bite of her sandwich. 

God, why did she mention her crush? The moment it was out of her mouth they refused to stop talking about it. And asking about who it was, and honestly? Kinda getting annoying.

"We won't tell anyone" Anne tries.

"For last time, no!" Jane yells in annoyance.

Catherine sits down next to her, causing her to blush a little.

"Give us a hint at least." Cathy pleads.

"Fine," Jane gives, "She's in my drama class."

Catherine perks up, "I'm in her drama class." Kat squeals, "Start racking up names." Anne requests excitedly. Catherine pulled out her notebook and began to write down the names of her classmates.

Welp, I'm gonna make this last as long as possible. I haven't even made it halfway through the first shot so this should take a while. Unless I keep cranking them out as fast as I've been.

- Author Who's A Little Distracted Right Now But It's Fine

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