4 Days Later

138 8 18

TW: Uuuummmmmmmm, maybe cussing, we'll see where it goes, but other than that, nothing, other than Anne dissing coffee, which is unacceptable









"Wait really?"

"No I meant - you know what? Maybe."

"This is tea."

"Stop getting distracted, Alicia?"




"Lauren 1."


"Lauren 2?"

"No, but I'm pretty sure she liked me."

" What?! I - "

"Okay, we've literally been over this list 20,000 times."

"More like 3, but - "

Kat was most definitely annoyed. Jane sat in amusement as she watched Kat, Anne, Cathy, and Anna guess. Catherine gave up after the last round.

"Whatever, but we've guessed the entire list. Everyone's on the list!"

Jane chuckled as Kat whined, "Actually, you forgot someone."

Kat instantly turned on Catherine, "Who did you forget?"

"Excuse me, Anna is in this class too."

"Ugh, Jane I'm gonna kill you."

"If you think you can beat my mother too the punch."

Cathy gulped down a large amount of coffee. When she put the cup down, Anne in an attempt to stop her from having a caffeine overdose, downed the rest of it.

She instantly regretted this decision.

Her faced morphed from annoyance, to disgust in a matter if seconds.

" Oh my god this is disgusting, I'll stick to chocolate milk. Thanks."

She shoved the cup back at Cathy, who was laughing at her.

"She hasn't forgotten anyone, Everyone's on the list, we literally re-did it in class." Anna said in confusion.

Ms.Paris puts her papers in her desk and stands. She makes her way over to us, clearly curious to see what all the fuss is about. She stands in front of us for a second, evaluating if she really wants to know.

(She'd been horrified when she just blindly asked, and Anne pulled a wild card and asked, 'Are your cramps this bad?'

That hadn't been what they'd been talking about at all, but Ms. Paris had paled and excused herself. In actuality they'd been talking about how bad some teachers were at their jobs.

Everyone learned a lesson, Ms. Paris: Think about if you really want to know the answer to your questions, Us: Don't let Anne cover for you.)

With a sigh she asks, "I hear a lot of complaining over here, is there anything I can do to get you to stop interrupting class?"

Kat sits up, propping her elbows on her desk. "Unless you can give us the class roster for fifth period drama, no luck."

Ms. Paris, who just wanted to stop hearing about her students drama, turned and retrieved a paper from her desk. "Actually I do, here you go Ms. Howard."

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