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TW: Elizabeth's a bitch, like at the end, at the beginning she's a normal sister who likes to tease her siblings, Homophobia, Cussing, Abuse, wow, stuff actually happens in this one, ANGST, because we need more angst in our lives.

Jane knew she was going to regret this.

But she needed to vent to someone who wasn't intensely close to Catherine, because she really didn't need them telling Catherine when Jane started to gush about her. That would make Catherine even more smug, and in turn more flirtatious, which would cause Jane to start gushing again.

It would be a never ending cycle.

Elizabeth sits on her bed, watching Jane quietly.

"What is it?"

Jane looked up and blurted out, "I have a girlfriend."

Smooth Jane, eased right into it.

"What?" Bess whispers in awe. "Who?"


Bess squeals, which caused Jane to wince, because Bess' squeal is incredibly high pitched. "How'd it happen?" She asked.

"T.G.G was trying to figure out who my crush was, and obviously they did, and Catherine. Oh my god Catherine, like chased me down into the bathroom, and told me that she liked me back."

"Have you kissed yet?" Bess asked while leaning forward. Jane nodded quickly with a grin plastered on her face.

"JANEY! You had your first kiss!"

At this point Jane's mother walks in, curious to see what all the fuss is about.

"What's going on in here?" She asks with a raised brow.

Elizabeth quickly covers, "Nothing, just some girl at Jane's school got her belly button peirced."

Jane's mother scrunches her face in disgust, "Oh, well dinners ready so come down stairs."

Both Jane and Elizabeth follow her downstairs.


Margery P.O.V - 2 Weeks Later

Something is going on here. Jane has been acting strangely and secretive. Since she's clearly not going to tell her anytime soon what's going on with her, Margery has little options.

- Snoop in her room

- Elizabeth

Margery moves around in Jane's room, looking for her diary which is being rather elusive at the moment.

"Where did she learn to hide stuff? My god." 

Margery eventually gives up and simply looks at other stuff, hoping that she would happen upon the diary. After about an hour of searching she strikes gold.


Margery quickly flips through the diary, but much to her disappointment there's nothing of great importance in there. Which is a shame considering she just spent 2 hours looking for the damned thing.

With a sigh she relents, knowing that she'll have to bribe Elizabeth in the hopes that Jane has foolishly told her something. Margery walks to Elizabeths room, and knocks.

"Come in!" Elizabeth shouts.

When Margery comes in, Elizabeth stares at her in question. "What's up?"

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