To Catherine's House We Go

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TW: Mentioned Homophobia, Mentioned Child Abuse, Cussing, Catherine's kind of angry, but she hides it well, so well that the author makes almost no comments about it, crazy right, Catherine's parents are like, good people, who love their daughter and everything.

Jane breaks down on the sidewalk halfway to Catherine's house.

She didn't even realize that she was on her way to Catherine's house until she collapsed on the pavement. Sobs jerk through her body, making her incapable of speaking. So instead of calling Catherine, she texts her.


Rose: Hey, can I come over?

Lina: Sure, what's up?

Rose: I've been kicked out.

Lina: What

Rose: Elizabeth told my parents I was gay.

Rose: Now I'm homeless.

Lina: How close are you?

Rose: About halfway.

Lina: I'll be waiting outside for you.

Rose: Alright.

Jane puts the phone down then, her sobs beginning to die down from just talking to Catherine.

She gets back up, a little relieved that no one happened to walk by and see her mental breakdown on the sidewalk, and continues to make her way to Catherine's house.

True to her word, Catherine is sitting on the steps of her porch. When she catches sight of Jane, she shoots off her porch with way more speed than Jane has ever seen. Maybe even faster than Anne which is really saying something.

Catherine wraps her arms around Jane as she bursts back into tears again.

It really sucks how easy it is to start crying once it's happened.

Catherine rubs Jane's back soothingly, trying to calm her down.

"Shh, it's alright. It's alright." Catherine cooed in her ear, and even though it made Jane think of that one time when Anne was 6 and she fell out of a tree and her mother kept repeating it's alright at her, like she was a moron, it made Jane feel better.

Probably because Catherine wasn't being patronizing.

"I have no where to go." Jane whimpers, as Catherine strokes her hair soothingly.

"Yes you do." Catherine responds with a lot more confidence than Jane has, or has ever had.

"Where? I can't go back to my parents, they'd probably call the cops, or I don't know, try to crucify me."

Catherine for a moment looks thrown off by the last part of the statement, but quickly regroups. "You can stay here." She says with authority, almost as if she was in charge of the universe and Jane can't help but think that Catherine would be great at being queen.

Catherine would probably be great at anything, but that's a little off topic.

"What about your parents?" Jane reminds Catherine, because in actuality Catherine doesn't really have a say in who lives in her house.

"They love you, although to be fair, it's probably because you aren't a cheating fat guy whose name is Henry."

Jane starts to giggle, and Catherine grins in pride for having gotten her to do something other than sob uncontrollably.

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