(12) Starry Night

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Wooyoung got out of the cabin quietly, walking to the lake where San and him went to.

He sat down on the grass, looking at his reflection on the water as it reflected light from the moon.

The sky was full of stars, a shade of blue, purple and black.

The Milky Way shown right above the male. Wooyoung stared at the sky. Fireflies flew here and there.

"So pretty" He muttered to himself, he felt all worries fade and he found himself immersed looking at the beautiful sky.

He felt someone embrace him in a backhug, he felt warm and a little fuzzy inside when he smelt the vanilla cologne he knew all too well.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, giggling as he pulled away from the hug and got into a laying position.

He placed his head on San's lap, looking up at him and the sky.

"Couldn't leave you alone" San said with a soft smile.

"The sky is so pretty"

"I don't want to sound cheesy but the stars don't shine as much when you're around"

"Shut up" Wooyoung laughed, he felt his heart skip a beat and his face heating up.

San looked at him with adoration.

San looked away from Wooyoung immediately when the younger caught his gaze, looking at the water that reflected the two.

Should he say it now?

Wooyoung looked at him, confused.

He wondered what the older was thinking about.

He closed his eyes, furrowing his eyebrows and tried his best to hear San's thoughts.

But nothing. Just the sound of grasshoppers cricking and wind blowing could be heard.

San's voice then made Wooyoung open his eyes.

"I've been wanting to tell you this; I know we haven't known eachother for a very long time. But that doesn't matter. I- well I like you- wait no- i love yo-" San was cut off by Wooyoung who connected their lips together in a soft delicate kiss.

"I love you too, you dumb fuck" Wooyoung said, his heart beating out of control.

He felt completed.

He didn't need powers or abilities.

He needed friends and love.

San smiled so lovingly at him and Wooyoung felt like the world completely stopped, it felt like the world revolved around him and San, San and Wooyoung.

Wooyoung stared at the sky, his head resting comfortably on San's lap. The older placed small flowers in the raven boy's hair, thinking that it looked cute.

Wooyoung inverted his gaze towards San, their eyes connecting but San looked away.

He was suddenly shy and Wooyoung thought it was so cute.

Wooyoung laughed, San watched the younger's face scrunch up when he laughs.

"You look like a bottom"

"I topped you!"

Wooyoung raised one eyebrow at the older.

"We'll switch, okay?" San said and Wooyoung laughed, sitting up to kiss the latter.

"So does this mean we're together?" The younger asked in between the kiss.

San wrapped his arms on the younger's waist while Wooyoung wrapped his arms around San's neck.

The space between their bodies soon disappeared.

San could feel the younger's heartbeat, rapid.

He smiled, knowing that it was because of him.

They spent the night laughing and talking, of course with a little kiss here and there.

It was just wonderful, no worries, no concerns, just love.

San layed on the grass, looking up at the sky while Wooyoung rested his head on the older's chest as his arms were wrapped around his waist.

Wooyoung listened to San's rapid heartbeat, he smiled.

He felt his stomach do a summersault and his ears heating up. San is inlove with him and he knows it.

"You shine brighter than the stars, you light up my night. And now you're in my arms; being with you feels just right. I hope we'll always be together, I hope this'll last forever. Til' the end it's just you and I." San sang, now looking down at Wooyoung.

The younger laughed, "You're good at singing"

San looked away, his face turning light red and he was containing a smile.

"You're so cute~" The younger said, pinching the older's cheek.

"I'm considering dying my hair blonde" San said, tugging his hair behind his ear.

"You sure?"

"I was born with this hair colour and have been living with it for my whole life. I could use a change" San said, he had a soft smile on his face and Wooyoung couldn't help but boop San's nose.

"You should consider becoming a singer, San" Wooyoung said, closing his eyes.

"Really? I don't think I'm good enough though"

"You're better than enough" Wooyoung said, tightening the hug around San's waist.

San laughed, flustered.

They looked up into the sky, butterflies flying here and there with fireflies. The butterflies were leaving trails of glitter, depending on their colour. Wooyoung was mesmerized.

"It's magical"


I enjoyed writing this chapter so much, just like how I enjoy writing this book. I hope all of you are staying at home, safe and healthy. My other Woosan book is coming out quite nicely too, I'll be publishing it after this book is completed ;) It's kind of angst so far. I really like how it's going ㅠ^ㅠ

What do you think about this chapter?

Please tell me if I had made spelling mistakes



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