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"Noble steed proud and fair, you shall take us anywhere." Carlyn said before the six rode to the Isle on their bikes.

"Carlos, you're gonna miss Jane's birthday!" Dude called as he watched the group cross the water.

"Looks like Carlos forgot about your birthday, huh?" Chad asked as he looked at Jane.

"Well, maybe not. Maybe he just took the wrong trail or something. Or you know what? They probably don't celebrate birthdays on the Isle. Maybe it's like a cultural thing." Jane said as Chad nodded.

"Oh yeah. Or maybe he just forgot. You never know." Chad said with a shrug.

"Hey, Chad, look! There's people taking selfies." Jane said before Chad gasped.

"Selfies! Guys, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait for me! Wait for me!" Chad said as he tried to climb up the rocks.

"Why is she here?" A girl asked after Audrey appeared.

"Did anybody save me any guacamole? No? It's like someone forgot to invite me. Well, don't be expecting Carlyn. She's not feeling herself. Does that make you sad? Does it just ruin everything? Mindless little drones. How could you forget what she did to us? How could you forget that I was supposed to be your queen?" Audrey asked as she looked at everyone.

"Time out! Okay, okay. Time out. First off, great new look. I absolutely love feathers, but hey, before you do whatever you're gonna do, I was wondering if maybe you wanted a loyal boyfriend by your side? Partner in crime? Sidekick? Or maybe just a lackey to do your bidding, change tires, smoothie runs? Please?" Chad asked after he ran over to her.

"You can be useful." Audrey said with a shrug.


"Fine. Stand behind me." Audrey said as she nodded behind her.


"Auradon likes to forget so much. They'll love this. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to Jane. Happy birthday to you." Audrey sang as she cast a sleeping spell.

"The Enchanted Lake." Jane said before she jumped into the lake.


"Sweet dreams." Audrey said before she and Chad disappeared.

"Hey, Jane. I'm on my way to the party. My meetings ran long." Ben said after Jane called him.

"No, no. Stay where you are, Ben. Audrey's got the scepter and everyone's asleep. I'm gonna call Mom and tell her to get her wand." Jane said before she hung up.

"Is Carlyn with you? Jane? Jane?" Ben asked before he sighed.

"Hey. I'm me again." Carlyn said with a smile as everyone got off their bikes.

"Duh. Evil magic doesn't work here. Kind of the point." Celia said as she rolled her eyes.

"Welcome back." Mal and Evie chorused as they put their arms around Carlyn's shoulders.

"Thank you."



"Here she is. Come on. And oh! And oh! Hey, yeah. Come here, little rascal. So what kinda hustle you got going on with them shiny people?" Dr. Facilier asked as the group looked around the arcade.

"No hustle. I got friends on the other side." Celia said before she grabbed the key.

"I hear you. I hear you."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2020 ⏰

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