SMG4: Mario's Spicy Day (02)

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**The Grand Festival**

The SMG4 gang stands in front of the Grand Festival.

" this is the New Years festival!" Luigi says with a smile on his face. "It's beautiful..." [Y/N] says quietly as [She/He] stares at the beautiful lights across the festival. "Agreed!" SMG4 adds.
Mario runs around looking at everything. "Oooo!" Meggy smiles. "Hehe, What a great way to end the year!" Tari jumps up with excitement. "I WANT TO PLAY AND EAT EVERYTHING!" Saiko rolls her eyes and leans against the wall. "Yeah it's ok I guess." Bloopkins walks up to Saiko. "But- I heard there will be fireworks tonight-" Saiko knocks Bloopkins over. "OKAY. NOW WE'RE TALKING!"
Bob quickly jumps onto the concession stand. "Alright losers listen up!" Bob shouts. The Tender of the concession stand looks up at Bob with a crossed look. "Get the FUCK down from there!" The man yelled. "Since I'm the leader of the group you all have to follow what I do!" SMG4 taps [Y/N] shoulder and [She/He] notices everyone leaving. Everyone scatters away. Bob looks down and notices everyone left. "Guys?" Bob calls out. "LISTEN TO ME GOD DAMN IT-" without a warning Bob gets smacked off the concession stand.

[Y/N], Saiko, Meggy, and Tari went off to look at the masks at the mask stand. "Ooh..." Tari says while looking at the masks. "Hey Saiko and [Y/N]! LOOK!" Meggy says while putting a mask on. "Hey- WOAH!" Saiko says. [Y/N] looked over and saw Meggy wearing a Mario mask. Meggy mimics Mario. [Y/N] and Saiko laugh. "I'm going to go check on Tari!" [Y/N] says and walks over to where Tari is. "Hey Tari what you up too-" [Y/N] sees a man with a duck head dancing for Tari. "Hehe!" Tari chuckles while watching the man dance. [Y/N] walks to her. "Oh look so cool!" [Y/N] says while chuckling. Tari, [Y/N] and Duck man sit down.

SMG4, Mario, Luigi and Bowser were browsing through the games. "Oh! I recognize these games!" SMG4 says to the guys. "You gotta just pull on a string and get a prize!" Luigi gets excited and walks over to the game. Luigi grabs a line and tugs. Suddenly a plush monkey falls into his hand. "Wow! This is fun. I love mystery!" Bowser giggles and runs over and tugs a line. A muscrab falls onto Bowsers face and he starts running and screaming. "Oh yeah, some of the prizes are bad..." SMG4 smiles. "That's what makes it fun!" Mario walks up to tug on the line.
"Hey SMG4?" Luigi calls out. "Oh yeah Luigi?" SMG4 answers. "Are you still planning on confessing to [Y/N] that you like [Her/Him]?" SMG4 blushes and looks away. "Of course, I just.." SMG4 sighs. "I don't know how to do it." Luigi chuckles. "Just speak from the heart!" SMG4 sighs.
Mario tugs on the line. "Hm?" Mario tries again. "OH COME ON!" Suddenly a pole breaks and started to fall. Heavy looks up seeing his life flash before his eyes. Pole crashes and explodes. Mario looks around and sees a plunger. "Oooh!" Mario puts it on his head. "A new hat!" Mario smiles as SMG4 glares at him. "Alright my turn." SMG4 runs over to the lines. "Come on! Please be something good for [Y/N]!" SMG4 pulls a line as a bomb falls next to him. "My main goal... is to blow up-" SMG4 screams as the bomb blows up.

"So you really think SMG4 likes me back Tari?" [Y/N] asks cautiously. "Of course he does!" Suddenly the boys all crash next to Tari and [Y/N]. "Huh?" Tari says as she looks over at the boys. "SMG4..?" [Y/N] asks. SMG4 looks up and looks at the girls and shakes his head. "Oh hey guys!" Tari says while waving. The duck man waves to. "Hey guys, where is everyone?" SMG4 asks. "I don't know Umm..." Tari says. [Y/N] looks around and spots Meggy getting chased by monster Saiko. "F-Found them!" [Y/N] says surprised. Everyone looks over and sees them. "GUYS, SAIKOS POSSESSED BY SATAN!!!" Meggy screams. [Y/N], Tari, and Luigi scream and hold each other. "CRAP! WHAT DO WE DO?!" SMG4 says in a panic. "I DONT KNOW! I DONT WANT TO HURT HER!" Meggy cries as she runs pasts them. "DONT WORRY! MARIO HAS AN IDEA!" Mario yells out. Mario jumps towards Saiko. Saiko swings her arms and smashes Mario back crashing on the stairs. "guys this isn't good!" [Y/N] yells out. Suddenly bowser accidentally runs into Saiko turning her back to her normal self. Bowser gets up and runs over to Saiko still having the crab on his head. "I'm so sorry ma'am! Please excuse me!" Bowser runs off.
Saiko stands up rubbing her shoulder. "Ow... the hell happened?" Saiko asks. Meggy runs up and hugs Saiko. "SAIKO YOU'RE BACK!" Saiko jumps and tries to push Meggy back. "Personal SPACE-!"

Everyone is sitting down watching the stars from above. Tari and Pyro were laughing and singing Mario theme song. Mario stumbles in with Spaghetti sitting with Luigi and SMG4. Saiko cheers out. "FIREWORKS, FIREWORKS, FIREWORKS!" Shroomy sighs and smiles. "Oh boy it's been quite the year hasn't it fellas?" Luigi smiles. "You can say that again, We've been through a lot of adventures together!" Meggy sighs and looks at herself. "Yeah...been through a lot of changes too..." Bloopkins runs over to Meggy. "But Meggy... some changes can be good though. It's like how we met Senpai and [Y/N] this year!" Axel smiles. "I'm really glad I got to meet you guys." [Y/N] smiles and sits away from everyone else by herself. "Likewise..." Mario stares at them. "Marios glad to meet himself too."

SMG4 gets up. Noticing [Y/N] sitting by themselves. "Hey [Y/N]." SMG4 smiles and sits next to [Her/Him]. "Oh hey SMG4." [Y/N] scoots over. "I have something I need to tell you..." SMG4 sighs and looks up at the sky. "What is it..?" [Y/N] asks curious. "I don't know if it's just me, but I've been... thinking." [Y/N] looks at SMG4. "I really think I... have feelings for you." SMG4 looks at [Y/N]. "The feelings I have for you is very..." SMG4 goes silent. [Y/N] chuckles. "This is difficult for you isn't it?" SMG4 hesitates. "Damn it [Woman/Man] I had this all planned out but yes it is-" [Y/N] puts [Her/His] finger on his lips. "It's okay... I feel the same way too."
SMG4 and [Y/N] look at each other. SMG4 lifts [Y/N]'s chin up and leans in and kisses [Her/His] lips gently. [Y/N] kisses back. Fireworks explodes in the sky.

**End of Flashback**

[Y/N] follows SMG4 into an looks like abandon machine shed. "That's it... it's time." [Y/N] runs after SMG4.

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