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The sunlight shone in through Eddies open window, glinting off the metal zippers of his olive green suit case. The soft morning breeze tousled his messy hair against his sweet sleepy face. Today they were all going to go to the carnival. There was only a few weeks till college begun and Eddie had just finished packing one of his bags. They were going to be living on campus in dorms as a way to finally get the freedom they needed.

They had been planning a carnival day since graduation. They were all going to go, including Connor, much to Richies dismay. A knock sounded faintly down the stairs and Eddies heart skipped a beat. Richie... He thought as he grabbed a light jacket and quickly left his room to run to the door.

"Hey!" Eddie exclaimed as he opened the door to see Richies smiling face. "Right on time." Eddie began to leave the door when his mothers voice came through.

"Eddiebear?" She spoke softly. Eddie sighed and look at Richie with slight embarrassment. "Aren't you forgetting something?" He cleared his throat and smiled as he backed up to head to his mom.

"Yes, sorry mom." He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and one last smile. "I love you."

"I love you too." She said and then rolled her eyes as Richies voice sounded.

"I love you as well, Mrs. K." Richie called and snickered as Eddie rushed over to him and shoved him out the door.

"Is this going to be something that lasts forever?" Eddie questioned.

"Boy I sure hope so." Richie joked, "with a smokin mom like yours, Eddie. It's hard to stop."

"Whatever," Eddie brushed it off and grabbed Richies hand, interlacing their fingers. "We are meeting everyone at the carnival right?"

"Yes," Richie started. "Oh! We should ride the big rollercoaster first. Then go on a easier ride, set the precedent for the rest of the day."

"Wouldn't it make more sense to build up to the biggest ride and go on as a finale?" Eddie questioned Richies logic. Seemed to him that ending on a big note was better than mellowing out the evening. Richie shrugged.

"I don't know. I think that riding the biggest ride makes the rest of them seem less scary so that we can enjoy all the other rides." Eddie agreed to this statement, it made enough sense to him. He didn't really like rollercoasters all that much, all they did was leave him breathless.

As they neared the entrance to the carnival, the faint smell of fried food and kettle corn filled their senses. The murmuring of the crowds of people grew louder the closer they got to the gate, their friends coming into view.

"Late again," Beverly shouted and ran up to them, giving them a hug. "I don't wanna know why." She winked and stepped back as they all began greeting each other.

"Are you all packed up?" Stan asked Eddie as they all walked towards the rollercoaster.

"Yeah, basically." Eddie shoved his hands in his pockets and looked up to the sky, it was more gray than usual. "What about you?" Stan gave a taut nod.

Stan had become a man of even fewer words since Eddie was possessed, especially around him. It was almost like that was all he could see when he looked at Eds. A deranged smile and unnatural crawl. Richie seemed to have recovered well from the trauma, more concerned with Eddies recovery than his own.

Richies dark eyes watched Eddie as he carried small talk with Stanley. He had been having nightmares ever since that day. He wasn't scared of Eddie, of course not, how could he be. That boy was the dew on the morning blades of grass, the rays of sunlight pushing through the dark clouds, the sound of rain on a tin roof, the smell of wind through cedar, that boy was everything good to him. The nightmares fed on the fear that never left him, but only intensified since the sewers. Death. Losing Eddie.

The nightmares found him every night. No matter how he tried to evade them. They peppered into his waking life, seeping into his daydreams, reflecting in the mirror behind him, tormenting him day and night. It wasn't always the same. Sometimes it was a house fire, other times it was a gunshot, or falling from a cliff, or getting struck by lightning, or anything horrible that his brain could think up to cause him to shoot up in bed drenched in sweat and trembling.

"You alright?" Eddie nudged him as they passed him. Richie shook all his thoughts away and jogged to catch up, draping a heavy arm over Eddies shoulders. There was no point in dwelling on the negative, after all, today was potentially the last day the whole group would be together in one place at one time for the summer. They were all going to college, they were going to be too busy to try to plan around everyone's schedules.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about your mom." Richie sighed dreamily and ruffled Eddies soft feather brown hair, freshly cut and styled for the new school year.

"Would ya stop that, Rich?" Eddie asked annoyed as he tried to quickly fix the strands that had been misplaced. "I space out like that sometimes too when I'm thinking of your sister."

"Oh! Eddie!" Richie laughs and mocks being shot in the chest. "You wound me." He coughs dramatically before smirking at him and giving a flirtatious wink. "I don't have a sister, Eds." His chin tilts to whisper in his ear. "You sure that's not me in a dress you're thinking of?"

This brought a sweet honey dipped smile to Eddies face as a symphony of chuckles leave him, imagining Richie in a dress was quite humorous to him. "No, no, I think you're right about that." He poked Richies chest with his pointer finger. "I wouldn't mind seeing you in a dress."

"Maybe one day, Spaghetti." Richie laughed along side him. As they approached the biggest rollercoaster, screams zipped by and then quickly went faint as the ride went on. "You ready for this rollercoaster?" Eddie looked skeptical at first, before an unknown emotion flash through his eyes, too fast for Richie to catch.

"Ready as I'll ever be." He breathed out shakily and then flashed an intoxicating smile to Richie. It was smile that made Richie feel giddy and drunk whenever he saw it. "Where's Connor? I thought he was coming." Abrupt sobriety was never a pleasant feeling to Richie. One moment he was love drunk off Eddies smile and the next he was ready to break something over the mention of Connors name. He figured Eddie noticed this change because he snapped his mouth shut and looked away.

"He said he'll catch up later today. He had some more packing he wanted to get done." Beverly chimed in from in front of them. Richie relaxed at not having to have Connor here for a while. I'll have Eddie all to myself. He thought selfishly as he studied the freckles dusted across his nose, the intoxication leaking back into his senses. Sparks flowed from the tips of Eddies fingers and into Richies shoulder when he rested his hand there to adjust his shoe.

"Alright everyone, climb on in." The uninterested carni shouted as the last person from the previous ride exited. They were next. Eddie took a seat towards the front next to Richie. Beverly and Bill took the seat in front of them. Ben and Stan as far back as they could get. Mike sat in the very front, braving the exhilaration that comes with being first, along with a girl who was already hollering from excitement.

"You good?" Richie asked an anxious looking Eddie as the bars came down. Eddie swallowed dryly, that hard to place emotion passing again. He looked to be considering his answer before giving a defeated grin.

"I've already almost died twice." He started and took Richies hand in his. "Fuck it."

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