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*Before the pregnancy*

We were strolling down the market, with her in the cart. I was going through the list of groceries, grabbing the things we needed off the aisle. But when I looked at her to check why she was unusually quiet, I saw her staring at a baby in his stroller, beaming and waving her hand. Fair enough, he actually waved back. The moment his parents pushed the stroller and he was out of her sight she looked back at me with the most serious face she can pull up "I want one"

My eyes widened, knowing quite well she doesn't know what she's talking about.

"Let's buy one" she added oil to the hot pan.

"They don't sell them, Jazz" I told her knowing that we HAD to have the talk... The talk that her  own parents were supposed to give her.

"Then I'll make one.."

"You? You'll make one?"

"Yeah, I want a book on how to make babies" she ordered me in her serious tone but I couldn't hold the laugher that wanted to erupt. This is awkwardly and strangely cute.

"Jazz, you don't need a book for these kinds of things"


"We'll talk about this back home, okay?"

"I want one now!" she whined and pouted her lips as her eyes started to shine with the forming tears.

"Sweetheart, you sure you want one?" I asked her in a hushed tone. She stopped throwing a tantrum and stared at me intensely, then nodded "Okay... we'll make one then".  As a response to my approval, she grinned as her eyes shone with excitement and the tears disappeared.

You won't be so excited after...

"Really?" she asked me again with hopeful eyes.

"I should be the one asking you that... Never thought this day would come" I muttered under my breath before I noticed how her eyebrows rose not catching what I said  "We'll talk about this at home. I promise. Now find me the cheese you like."

She grinned again, giving me the smile that I love before she turned to look everywhere so she can accomplish her mission. And here my head was about to split, thinking how should I break this down to her...

ACHICHIBO~ The little girl I knewOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant