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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

"Same old shit, just another fucking day." I whispered to myself as I sat in my car waiting for traffic to start moving. God I fucking hate New York. Growing up in my little town of 16 hundred people was fun, I knew everyone my age and all of their families, but after a certain age it's just annoying. Everyone knowing everyone's business. Everyone putting in their two cents on matters that don't concern them. Everyone having opinions on everything anyone does because nothing ever stays secret. It gets so tiring having to keep up appearances, that's why I stopped. Luckily for me my parents don't really give a shit anymore, they've given up so to say.

At 14 I cut my dark waist length hair up to just above my shoulders and dyed it purple. At 15 my mother took me to get my bellybutton pierced and a few months later I gave myself a stick-&-poke of the outline of a little heart on my left tit in my bedroom at 3am, needless to say she wasn't too happy about that. At 16 I pierced my nose in my bathroom with a sewing needle in the middle of the day. It was just those little things that just piled onto one another and at the end of the day I looked like what a stupid old republican man would call a "libtard", it doesn't really help that I'm bi either, does it? Old people just need to get with the times, if they can't then I think they should just be euthanized after a certain age. But maybe I shouldn't say that.

Right now I just wanna get home bro, 5pm traffic is a bigger pain in the ass than getting up in the morning to drive to school. New York city traffic is the absolute worst in general, bumper to bumper and an unnecessary amount of honking. The vibe in the city is amazing when you don't actually have anywhere to be, because getting somewhere at the exact time you need to be there in a car is impossible, you're either early or you're late. I'd rather deal with this than take the train or the subway though, I tried that when I started my freshman year of college, it went well for the first few weeks, then I saw some cracked out dude jerking it in the corner of the cart... never again.

Remind me why I chose to stay again? Right, my sister. Juliette would fall apart in our family if not for me, the expectations can be a bit unmanageable and it's not like Emelio is much help to her, no matter what he does, little fucking golden boy can do no wrong. Our parents are great, don't get me wrong, they don't ask for much from us other than for us to take our education seriously, but what that entails is maintaining no less than a 3.5 GPA and when you're 15 and popular that can interfere with your social life, or so says Jules. I wouldn't know, in high school I was not very well liked by those outside of my friend group, I was too "different" and "outspoken" in the eyes of the little white kids.

That's another reason I stayed in New York, where else are you gonna find people as progressive and open minded? Where else are you gonna find such a nurturing environment for personal growth? Nowhere, I will take no criticism.




I forgot to silence my stupid fucking phone, shit. I looked ahead of my car and then looked into my rear view mirror and saw the driver in the white audi behind me texting.

'They're doing it and traffic is still at a standstill, I can grab it.' I thought to myself as I reached into my bag that sat on the passenger seat while trying to keep my eyes on the cars in front of me. Right as I found my phone the car in front of me inched forward a bit so I pressed accept and put the phone on speaker without checking who it was.

I should've fucking checked.

"Kassandra, where are you?" I could just hear the annoyance in her voice.

"Well hello to you too, mother. I stopped for coffee before heading home and got caught in traffic, but I'll be there soon, why?" She needs something, I already know it.

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