17: Strength

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"Katsumi, stop." Minoru chased after her.

"I don't want to."


"No! I'm not going to let you drag me back down there with him."

"I won't!" Minoru said in a calm voice, which made Katsumi stop. They were now outside the forest.

"Okay." Katsumi turned around to face him. "What do you want?" Minoru shifted uncomfortably and cleared his throat.

"Why are you so mad at him?" He asked.

Katsumi's face immediately turned dark; her anger was showing."You're asking me why I'm mad at him?!" She shouted.

"Yes! I don't understand. All you've ever wanted was for him to come back, and now he's here."

"You're right; you don't understand. Minoru when he left, I had nobody. My dad died during the Red Lotus attack, and I thought he was going to stick with me. But then he left me too, just like mom." Her voice gradually became shaky, and her eyes were drooping.

"And he promised Minoru. He promised he'd be back on his birthday. I waited anxiously, and he broke my heart. Even if he's back now, I can't bear to even look at him."

"Katsumi, I understand. Please listen." Minoru pleaded. "My parents died serving the task force, and all I ever wanted was to be as honorable as them. That's why I was so set on getting better at Lightningbending." He walked forward. "And you helped me, and then I fell in love with you, and then you fell in love with me."

"I did." She sniffled.

"So this Hiko thing doesn't matter anymore because if he did come back, then I wouldn't have gotten a chance." He lifted Katsumi's face to look into her shining eyes. "I know he hurt you, but I know you, Katsumi. You're the strongest person I know, and I know it sounds cheesy, but I know you have the strength to forgive him." Katsumi sighed and leaned her face into Minoru's hand.

"You're really good at calming me down." She chuckled.

"Are you alright?" Yuri asked.

"Yes, it's just very exhausting," Jianjun said with a small reassuring smile. They were walking side-by-side along the corridor to Jianjun's room. The World Leaders were in their quarters, getting ready for lunch after finishing a short discussion on international relations, which was televised.

"You'll be fine. Next up is lunch, and you'll be able to chat freely without any cameras pointing at you."

"That's comforting." Jianjun hated being in front of what felt like hundreds of cameras, and Yuri knew that. Finally, they had reached Jianjun's room, which he entered briskly, followed by Yuri.

"I'm just gonna change robes, and we can get to the dining hall right away." Yuri nodded and sat down on the bed.

"You did great, Jian." She reassured him.

"I stuttered a thousand times while talking to them. How is that great?"

"But your answers were clear and comprehensive. Even Raiko was impressed with you."

"How would you know?" He asked before putting on a new robe.

"I don't, but it looked like he was."

"This salmon tastes phenomenal Jianjun." Izumi complimented.

"We have the best chef of the clan cooking for us. Ah, here he is! Chef Ganyu!" Jianjun gestured at a fat happy-looking man.

"I hope you're enjoying the food, leaders." Ganyu bowed before exiting the room.

"While the cameras aren't pointing at us, can we please discuss Kuvira?" Raiko asked.

"Fine." Izumi put down her chopsticks and turned her attention to Raiko followed by the other leaders.

"Kuvira has already conquered Zaofu, there is nothing else stopping her from attacking Republic City. And with her 'Spirit weapons' I fear the worst." Raiko had a look of desperation on his face which made Jianjun guilty.

"What do you propose, Raiko?" Jianjun asked.

"I am asking for reinforcements from all of you. If this 'Spirit weapon' is real who knows what damage she can inflict with it."

Jianjun pondered. "There is no harm in sending reinforcements. You have my support Raiko." He nodded to him.

"However if you launch a preemptive attack using my troops, you will face my wrath." 

Raiko nodded to him.

"The Airbenders will help in whatever way they can." Tenzin spoke up.

"Thank you." Raiko said with genuine gratefulness. "I've already initiated an evacuation order. Once I get back, the defenses will be in place. I will just be awaiting your reinforcements." Raiko nodded to Jianjun and Izumi.

"I just hope Kuvira won't..." Jianjun paused. It was too hard to think about another war he was now forcing some of his people into.

"She won't, Clan Head Jianjun." Izumi put a hand on his shoulder.

"Please, continue eating." Jianjun smiled.

"Gladly," Tenzin said.

A/N: Flameo Hotmen! I hope you're enjoying the story so far and please comment and vote if you did. I'm still having online classes so some chapters might be short but I'll still continue updating for ya'll. Much love to you guys! :*

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