Chapter 2

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Lauren could feel eyes on her as she looked for her History book in her room so she could study. The girl turned and looked out her windows that her curtains where on but they where wide apart from her mother waking her up in the morning.

Lauren made eye contact with big bright yellow eyes that belonged to a huge brown wolf with black streaks going up its back onto the top of its head.

Lauren's own eyes go wide and she quickly shut her curtains breathing hard from fear while also being confused as to why that thing was watching her. Lauren heard the stories about Werewolf's she never believed them though.

Camila heard her inner wolf give out a small whimper once it saw Lauren's look of fear. Once Werewolf's turn sixteen they find out who their mate was Camila broke up with Lauren incase it wasn't her and that decision was one of the worst decisions she's ever made. Lauren was Camila's mate and she messed up her chances with the girl.


"Where'd you go?" Dinahs voice was the first thing Camila heard as she made her way back into the pack house.

"No where" Camila made her way to the kitchen to get some food.

Dinah studied Camila as the girl stood on her tiptoes to get the popcorn that was on top of the fridge. Dinah chuckled before walking over to the fridge to get the popcorn down.

"Lier you went out to go stalk Lauren" Dinah jumped onto one of the kitchen counters as Camila put the popcorn in the microwave.

"I don't stalk her" Camila scoffed rolling her eyes.

"Yeah sure well anyway Ally wants me to go play with the pups in the back see ya" Dinah finally did what she was told two hours ago.

Camila stood there in the kitchen thinking over what Dinah said. Do I really stalk her Camila asked her wolf obviously you do because you just where staring at her through her window creep Camila's wolf growled don't forget you where the one who wanted to go over there and you where the one in control idiot that made Camila's wolf shut up.

Camila jumped as the microwave beeped from behind her as she opened the microwave all she could smell was brunt popcorn Camila mumbles some cuss words as she threw the bag away getting a new one.


Camila almost fell down the stairs of her pack house rushing to get out the door before Dinah and Ally leave her. Dinah was resting her head on the head rest with her eyes closed and Ally was smiling down at her phone as Camila got in the car buckling up.

"Let's go!" Camila patted Ally's head rest the girl jumped startled she turned and shot Camila glare before turning the car on and backing out of the driveway.

"You should ask Lauren to the game tonight Mila" Dinah brought it up twisting around in her seat to talk to Camila.

"Huh I don't know man" Camila scratched the back of her neck.

"Come on dude don't be a pussy ask her to the game" Dinah said before looking back down to her phone while twisting back around in her seat.

"Fine" Camila huffed hoping she'll get to talk to the green eye'd girl today.


"Lauren!" Camila yelled before running up to the girl tapping her shoulder making her turn around to face Camila.

"Yes?" Lauren raised her eyebrow that made Camila almost melt.

"Do you want to go to the game tonight you know cheer me on" Camila winked with a smirk on her face loving how she made Lauren blush so easily.

"Well..." The way Lauren sounded unsure made Camila panic.

"You don't need to come I mean it's totally fine"Camilas freaking out soon turned to confusion as to why Lauren was laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" Camila asked as Lauren slowly stopped laughing.

"You freaking out is cute" What Lauren said made Camila blush which made Lauren smile.

"Sure I'll come but I got to get to class" Lauren waves as she takes off down the hallway to her first class of the day. Soon Camila remembered that they had the same class so she ran and caught up with Lauren who was laughing again. Camila scoffs before opening the door for Lauren to go in first.

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Weak (On Hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora