Chapter 16

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Louis surprisingly didn't seem fazed and Lauren was confused.

"You don't seem fazed why?" Lauren asked while Louis chuckled.

"I know things" Louis smirked as Lauren's face was full of confusion.

"So why is it so awkward between you and that girl?" Louis changed the topic.

"Well a couple days ago she called me her mate then the next day she turned into a werewolf she could kill me Louis" Lauren played with her hair.

"She's not going to"Louis disagreed.

"How do you know" Lauren threw her arms up looking down at the ground.

"Once I found out my boyfriend was a vampire and I was his mate I freaked out and I was scared as well" Lauren looked up from the ground with shock on her face making Louis chuckle a little.

"Trust me she won't hurt you she never will she physically can't and if she ever does it will hurt her so bad inside" Louis explained.

"How do you know know that are you a vampire?" Lauren asked.

"No I'm not-" Louis shook his head chuckling a bit"-but anyway I know because Harry my boyfriend hit me once and he hated himself it took me days to tell him that it was fine" Louis looked like he dazed off a little thinking about the memory.

"I know you think she lied to you" Lauren was even more shocked that Louis knew what she was thinking "-but she really couldn't tell you I was best friends with Harry for years before he told me" Louis could remember it like it was yesterday the first time Harry told him he was vampire.

"So are you sure he'll be fine with you telling me?" Lauren scratched the back of her neck.

"He'll understand" Louis waved the question off.

"So vampires have mates?"Lauren raised her eyebrow.

"Oh yeah its really rare when vampires don't" The bell finally rang when Louis finished his sentence.

As they leave the janitors closet they start walking down different ends of the hallway to their classrooms.

"Hey Louis!" The boy turned at Lauren's yell.

"When will I meet this Harry fella!" Lauren smirked.

"Soon!" Louis replayed before laughing a little.


"Camila!" The girl braced herself as everyone raced out the school doors to go to their cars nobody likes that a person randomly stopped in the middle of the hallway.

Once Lauren caught up she grabbed Camila's hand walking her over to her car and getting in.

"I'm sorry.." Lauren sighed looking at her steering wheel.

"You couldn't tell me that in the school" Camila laughed as Lauren glared at her.

"I wanted this to be private and take this more serious I'm saying sorry for being a ass" Lauren huffed hitting Camila's shoulder the girl sobered.

"Okay go ahead" Camila shrugged looking over to Lauren.

"I was being stupid and after talking to someone I realized you would never hurt me and you being a werewolf is actually kinda cool" Camila smiled wide at Lauren's apology but that smiled turned into a little frown when she heard that Lauren talked to someone.

"His names Louis and he has a boyfriend he's a vampire and his names Harry" Lauren explains.

"Oh I know him I met him the other day" Camila chuckled.

"I'm gonna find that Louis guy and thank him" Camila chuckled as Lauren rolled her eyes.

"Come here" Lauren opened her arms for a hug even though it was kinda hard since they where in a car it was still comfortable loving being in each other's arms.

Lauren realized she was starting to fall even harder for the girl who broke her heart.

(Double update 🤪 you better be happy 😑😂 vote and tell me what you think fyi sorry for typos if there is any point them out or if anything doesn't make sense I'll fix it)

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