Chapter 11

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Lauren sighed resting her head on her steering wheel thinking over what Camila said. Lauren jumped once she heard a soft knock on her window. Lauren turned to find Shawn standing there with a awkward smile and a hand on of his bookbag straps.

"Hey Shawn go around and get in" Shawn did what Lauren told him to do quickly getting comfortable in the seat.

"So where to Shawny boy" Shawns heart started beating really fast at Lauren's nickname for him.

"If you want there's a pizza place a couple blocks down it's quite quiet people don't really go there anymore" Shawn scratched the back of his neck as Lauren pulled out of the schools parking lot.

"Is this your plan to murder me Shawny boy?" Lauren giggles as Shawn smiles thinking that Lauren's giggle was adorable.

"No maybe" Shawn whispers the last part low enough that Lauren could hear the girl laughed and shook her head continuing to drive as Shawn gave her directions.

After a few minutes they where there and getting out of Lauren's car and Shawn was right the pizza place seemed kinda abandoned. You could still see workers are still working but the one at the front looks like he's about to fall asleep.

"Trust me the pizza here is amazing" Shawn leads the way as Lauren took a look around only a couple cars in the parking lot Lauren's and the workers. Some trees surrounding the place a clear lonely road in front of the place. No wonder this place looks abandoned barely anyone drove down the road and probably thought this place was abandoned and didn't give good food.

"This place is really good" Shawn smirked as Lauren finished her pizza slice.

"See I told how's life going" Shawn scowled at himself for being a complete idiot and asking that question.

Lauren chuckled leaning forward leaning her chin her hand looking at Shawn. She had to admit it the boy in front of her was quite cute but Camila was hotter. Shut up don't think like that Lauren thought wanting to kick herself.

"Same old same old school homework and wanting to die from waking up so early" Both Lauren and Shawn chuckled at the last bit knowing it was very true.

"Some day I'm taking you out and we will be having some fun" Shawn pointed at Lauren jokingly.

"So your close to Camila" Lauren started blushing a little bit when Shawn brought up the girl Lauren had to remind herself to stop blushing but that didn't work.

"Yeah" Lauren nodded thinking back to when Camila kissed her in her room.

"I just think it's kinda weird how after her punching Brad you guys start hanging out" Shawn shrugged in all honestly Shawn always respected how Camila could get any girl she wanted but when she started talking to Lauren it kinda hit a nerve and didn't want Camila to get Lauren so fast that he couldn't even get a chance in.

"Isn't life weird" Lauren chuckled shrugging her shoulders as well.

"It's getting quite late wanna get out of here?" Lauren asked ready to leave Shawn nodded getting up.

"I'll pay you go get the car started" Lauren really wanted to pay but she did what she was told.

Lauren and Shawn sat in complete silence comfortable silence the way to Shawns house.

"I know it's kinda weird for the girl to drop the boy off" Shawn chuckled about to get out of Lauren's.

"I had a nice night" Lauren freezes not from shock just from being uncomfortable as Shawn leaned over and kissed her cheek Shawn didn't seem to notice.

"I'll see you tomorrow then" Shawn smiled at Lauren the girls smiled back and nodded "of course have a nice night Shawn" Lauren said as the boy got out of her car.

"Take care Lauren" Shawn winked at the Lauren before turning and walking up his steps that connected to his porch before walking into his house.

Right as Shawn was in his house Lauren speeds off really wanting to get some sleep.

(I almost died a couple minutes ago from laughing so hard with my sister my face is now red but anyway tell me what you think)

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