Chapter 25

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In five days almost all the fighters in the pack knew how to defend themselves against Vampires. Incase the boys family's had more people on their side they decided to train as much Werewolves they could.

"Twist the arm far enough back it falls off it's the only way they won't kill you by grabbing you're heart!" Niall barked out at Shawn who growled and did what Niall said at his opponent Shawn growls again as he messes up once again.

"Okay get back Healy!" Niall walked up pushing away Shawns opponent taking his spot.

Niall made a motion for Shawn to come at him the boy runs at him then stops once he's almost face to face with the boy in front of him.

"Why'd you stop Come on do it" Niall ordered.

Shawn shook his head looking down at his hands "I can't" Shawn grumbled out.

"Why?" Niall knew why and Shawn knew it he knew Niall was trying to get it out of him.

"Because I can't" Shawn really didn't want to say it afraid of the answer. Niall sighed deeply before taking Shawns wrist ignoring the looks he got from other wolves as he brought Shawn inside.

"Why?" Niall asked again once he brought Shawn into a empty room.

Shawn rolled his eyes "you know why" the boy threw his arms up huffing as he brought them down.

"I do but I want to hear the words come out of you're mouth" Niall took a step towards Shawn it hurt him a little when Shawn stepped back.

"So I'm going to ask this again why?" Shawn gritted his teeth at Nialls question.

"Because you're my mate happy?" Shawn looked at Niall with annoyance in his voice.

"Very" Niall smirked as Shawn rolled his eyes once again.

"Now get out there and train" Niall orders Shawn makes a noise of complaint before making his way out the room and outside to train with his opponent being more determined from the anger inside of him.


"Where's Dinah?" Camila asked looking around for her best friend aka sister.

"I don't know" Camila's mother Sinuhe shrugged her shoulders.

"She's supposed to be training" Camila huffed.

Sinuhe looked up from the tv at her daughter "Dinahs hanging out with someone right now let her be" Camila raised a eyebrow at Sinuhe's words.

"Who is she hanging out with?" Camila asked turning to her mother who looked back at the tv watching a Mexican movie.

"No clue" Sinuhe shrugged as Camila huffs and walks away.


It was four in the morning when Dinah got back laughing and making sure Normani didn't fall down the stairs from laughing so hard.

"It almost got stuck" Normani laughed out as Dinah shook her head making her way into her room with Normani's hand in hers.

"I guess that's karma for stealing the-" Dinah was cut off as Camila opened her door with a raised eyebrow.

"Dinah?" The girl turned to her sister with a shocked look on her face "she needs to leave we have a big day tomorrow" Camila crossed her arms with a hard look in her eyes.

"You aren't my mom" Dinah snapped glaring at Camila.

Normani puts her hand on Dinahs shoulder smiling at the girl softly "I should get going" Dinah reaches out to grab a hold of Normanis hand so she didn't leave.

"Wait come on don't leave" Normani almost fell into Dinahs trap of puppy dog eyes but one look at Camila stopped her.

"I'll see you tomorrow Dinah goodnight" Normani smiled at the girl before making her way past Camila and leaving the house.

"Really" Dinah glared at Camila.

"Yes we have to find two people one including my mate and a army of vampires to fight we don't need to be sneaking off and hanging out with people" Camila glared right back at Dinah.

"God sometimes its good to loosen up in stressful situations and if you are just gonna keep acting like a bitch get out of my room and close the door" Dinah huffed beyond annoyed she couldn't spend more time with her mate. Camila did what she was told thinking over Dinahs words.

(Tell me what you think and vote love ya)

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