Chapter 1(Part 1 - The US, 2050)

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"Alex! Wake up!" Brooke yells.

"Leave me alone!" I shout.

"You need to get up! We have class in five minutes!" She responds.

"Ugh!" I yell. "Why did you have to wake me up?"

"Exams!" She replies, reminding me of my environmental science final.

When I realize that I actually have to show up to class today, I hop out of bed and sprint around my cluttered, tiny room picking up whatever clothes I find on the ground. I quickly throw on a red oversized t-shirt and some black athletic shorts despite the fact that it's the middle of winter. Then, I run out the door shoving my red flip flops on and grabbing my books. Using as much energy as I can muster at seven in the morning, I sprint down the hallway running to my class and trying not to trip over my sandals.

On my way down the hall, I pass by the showers which are locked because of the water regulation. Since there is a shortage of clean water, there are regulations put on showering. Basically, the government regulates our water usage and if we take long showers, we will be fined. Because of this, my college locks the showers every Wednesday and each grade has certain days that they can shower on. Every student is allowed two five minute showers a week. This new water regulation is a little gross, but I have my ways. I usually apply pounds of perfume, deodorant and dry shampoo.

I continue to sprint down the hallway passing a bunch of windows showing the barren landscape outside. The year of 2050 has been one of the hottest years on record, reaching high temperatures of eighty-five degrees farenheit in the middle of winter in Massachusetts. Many trees have been cut down resulting in a decrease of oxygen. This has caused many other plants to die and the grass has been so dry and burnt that it is now permanently yellow. The year of 2050 has also had increased droughts resulting in bad conditions for farmers. As a result of the temperature increases and the droughts, we have had major food shortages.

I finally arrive at my classroom seconds before the bell rings. I look around at my classmates, noticing several new faces and that the room is much fuller than usual. I notice Robbie beckoning me to where he is seated, and I join him in the back row. I pull out my pencil and shut off my phone. Robbie starts talking to me about how he is going to fail this final, but before I can reply, my professor starts explaining our final.

"As a reminder, this final is worth thirty percent of your grade. I hope everyone is ready." We all stare back at him with tired and blank expressions, no one wants to take a final this early in the morning, and most of us only started studying a few days ago. Robbie and I stayed up until four this morning studying in the common room where we saw many other students doing the same.

My professor starts handing out the test saying, "You will have ninety minutes to complete this exam." After what feels like an eternity of waiting with the butterflies in my stomach fluttering, my professor finally finishes passing out the test. "Flip over your exam. You may begin." I give Robbie one last anxious look and turn over the test. I am confronted with pages of multiple choice questions, and I speedily read through them, filling out the scantron as I go. Finally, I finish the multiple choice questions, feeling confident that I will pass this exam. I look up at the clock and see that I have forty minutes left which is pretty good considering I only have to write the essay.

"How has climate change negatively impacted the environment and what can we do about it?" The question asks. This is an easy question. Climate change is all around us. It is seen in the water restrictions and the increased limited access to food. Climate change is a part of our everyday life. It is seen in the increase of crime and uprisings. It is seen everywhere.

"Five more minutes." My professor reminds everyone. I finish writing my concluding sentence and proceed to check over as much of the multiple choice as I can.

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