Chapter 7 - Alex(Part 3 - The US, 2015)

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The light pokes my eyes, waking me up from my deep sleep. I inhale and smell the cleanness of the air. Everything around me is so green and beautiful. I step out of the tent reminiscing about the previous night when I arrived here. It seems as if I am in a dream, and if I wasn't here with my friends, I would think I was dreaming. Just to be sure, I pinch myself expecting to wake up and appear back in my destroyed world. When nothing happens, I smile spinning around and falling on the amazing grass. I don't know why I was chosen to try and save the world. Yesterday, I didn't even know time travel was possible. A few weeks ago, I was just trying to get through college. If I had been told that I would be in 2015, I wouldn't have believed it. Now, I'm here, and I might as well enjoy it while I can.

"Alex," Robbie mumbles leaving the tent. "Where are you?" Robbie looks up, and I wave to him beckoning him over to me.

"Can you believe?" I ask. "Everything's so beautiful." He smiles examining our surroundings. We both sit down, enjoying the world and it's beauty. Soon after, Brooke comes out of the tent complaining about the hard surface she had to sleep on. She then sits between me and Robbie. After a few minutes, Brooke gets up and goes to find a change of clothes.

"Goodmorning," the girl Hayden says. I don't know much about her except that she came from 2080, and it sounds like that time period is even worse than 2050. "Isn't it just so beautiful." She says sitting down and feeling the grass. The three of us sit in silence, but not an awkward silence more of a beautiful silence.

"Guys!" Brooke exclaims coming back with new clothes on. "Why are you all just sitting there? Aren't there things we have to do before that girl, what's her name, gets back?" Brookes outburst prompts everyone to get up and start getting ready for the day. I throw on some clothes that I was given before being sent here, and I help pack up the tents. Once everything is packed, we all meet up by the tree and start to plan what we will do.

"We have a location and that's about it," Hayden says starting off the conversation.

"We must have some other important information," Robbie responds.

"Well, we know that we're here to stop climate change to save the world, and we know a rough estimate of a location," I add listing off everything we know. "But, that's it." We stand around the tree contemplating what we are supposed to do to save the world.

"Okay, I don't think standing here staring at each other is going to accomplish anything!" Brooke exclaims after what feels like hours of racking our brains for ideas. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm starving. I don't think there's anyone home, so I think we should get some food from the house." Before anyone can say anything, Brooke starts heading towards the house.

"Uh, Brooke!" I shout trying to catch up with her. "Aspen told us to stay hidden to avoid any questions from her parents."

"Well, there's no one home, so we don't have to worry about seeing her parents," Brooke replies without turning around.

"How do you know that her parents aren't home?"

"I watched them leave."

"Come on Alex, lighten up," Robbie says catching up to us. "What's the worst that could happen?"

"Ugh, fine," I say turning around to find Hayden. "Hey, do you wanna come with us?"

"Sure," she replies, joining us on our trek inside. We reach the house, and Brooke tries to rush inside, but I hold her back.

"We should make sure that there's no one home," I whisper. Brooke looks at me angrily but finally nods and lets me go ahead to look through the window. I look through and see an empty kitchen with dishes everywhere. As I am looking inside, Hayden joins me, searching for anyone that might be home.

"I don't see anyone." As soon as Hayden says that, Brooke opens the door and stumbles inside. She rushes to the kitchen searching for any food. Robbie and I follow with Hayden close behind. Brooke opens up the fridge taking out various fruits and vegetables. She then goes to the cabinets and pulls out a bunch of chocolate bars.

"Yum!" Robbie exclaims grabbing one from Brooke.

"Guys! Try not to make too much of a mess," I say.

"Calm down Alex," Brooke replies, handing me a chocolate bar.

"Is that chocolate?" Hayden asks, staring at the delicious treat.

"Um... yeah." Brooke says looking up from the chocolate. "Do you want one?" Hayden reaches out and takes a chocolate bar from Brookes outstretched hand. She quickly unwraps it and starts devouring the dessert. We all stare at her as she eats it at lightning speed, and then grabs another one from Brooke. As she is about to take a bite out of the bar, she looks up and notices us staring at her.

"What?" She asks, confused at why everyone is looking at her.

"You really like chocolate?" Brooke states questioningly.

"It's been so long since I've had anything that tastes this good. I didn't tell you guys, but before coming here, I lived on the streets. My parents died a while back because of a virus, and my sister was shot," she says looking down as a tear slips from her eyes. Brooke hands her the rest of the chocolate bars, and we all sit down at the table feasting on the delicious food and sharing our stories. After we are done eating, Hayden excuses herself to go take a shower, which she said she hasn't had a proper one in a while.

"That is terrible," Brooke says once she is gone. "What happened to her family."

"Yeah. When she told us about her time period yesterday, she didn't mention all of the tiny details. That world seems horrible," Robbie says looking out the window.

"Hopefully we can change everything and stop the world from becoming like that. I know I don't want to live in a time period that awful," I say. "At least we have a chance to make a change." I add, trying to comfort Robbie.

"You're right, and I'm not just going to sit here and wait for Aspen to get back." Robbie responds, cheering up as he comes up with an idea.

"What are you going to do?" Brooke asks.

"We've already tried to come up with a plan," I add.

"I know, but I'm going to do some research on the location and try and find any information that might be useful," Robbie responds, heading to the office we used yesterday.

"I'll help," I say following him into the room.

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