Chapter 2(Part 3 - The US, 2015)

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She is sitting there, on the tree, the last place she saw her brother alive and healthy when something changes. The clouds seem to darken and the wind seems to become colder. Aspen shivers and pulls her jacket tighter around her. The clouds start to move much faster than usual and seem to cover the sun as her entire surroundings darken. She sits there looking around confused by the abrupt change in weather. As the clouds blow in, she starts to feel drops of cool, refreshing water. The water starts falling much faster, and the more the water falls, the colder it gets.

Aspen quickly grabs her bag and hops down from the tree. She starts sprinting towards her house and puts her bag over her head in an attempt to stay dry. As she nears her house, the rain suddenly stops, and the clouds start to disappear. The sun is back lighting up the meadow again. Aspen halts her attempt to reach her house looking around in confusion. The sudden change in weather is unusual in her home. Aspen decides to head back to the tree where she was previously sitting since it seems as though the sun won't be leaving again.

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