Chapter 5(Part 2 - The US, 2080)

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I stand up as the door slides open and my food comes in. The same thing happens everyday; our food comes and soon after that I get to leave my cell and go to the bathroom, once a week I get to shower. I have almost no interaction with anyone, and I am left in this cell alone with my thoughts. I don't know how long I've been here because I can't see outside, but I know that I have had forty-seven meals in here, so I must have been here for about that long. Once I am done eating, I put my plate down near the door and retreat to the corner of the cell. I sit down and think about what I could be doing if I wasn't in here. I dream about seeing my family again and think about all of my memories. Right before I was thrown in here, the cop took my memory card and all of my possessions. They took the only things I had left of my family.

I look up as the door slides open to get my empty plate. Instead of the usual cop, the old man that I saw when I first arrived is there. Throughout my time in this cell, I haven't seen anyone except for the cops who bring me food. As soon as I see the man, I know that something is different.

"Hello, I believe we met when you were first brought here. Well, my name is Noah, and it is time for you to come with me." He beckons for me to leave the cell, and I slowly stand up stretching out my legs. I step out of the room and follow Noah down to the end of the hallway. He opens up the door, and as I step in, I am blinded by all the lights. During the time that I have spent in this building, I haven't seen light brighter than the dull lights inside the hallway. This bright light is a shock to my eyes. I am immediately blinded, and it takes almost a minute for my eyes to adjust to the light. As soon as my eyes adjust, I am able to see what is in the room.

There are computers in every inch of the room. Large screens, and small laptops and keyboards. There are massive lights hanging from the ceiling and advanced looking equipment. I start to think that I have just been brought to a computer lab until I look to my right and see glass. Through the glass, lies a chair with chains attached to it. There are many spotlights shining on the chair. All of a sudden, men in lab coats start flooding into the room. Noah hands me off to one of them who grabs my arm and starts dragging me to the room beyond the glass.

"Hey! What are you doing? What's going to happen to me?" I start to yell trying to break free of the man's grip. Before I am able to break free, another man grabs my other arm and together they bring me into the room and strap me down in the chair. One of the men grabs something from his pocket and straps it onto my wrist. I look down expecting some type of torture device but only find what appears to be an old fashioned watch. Both men quickly leave the room, and lock the door. I am left alone staring at the glass in front of me but unable to see anything beyond it. The speaker that is inside the room crackles as a deep voice begins.

"Trial number 42069 will begin in 3, 2, 1" Before I can do anything, before I am able to register what is happening, the lights blow up in my face, and I am knocked unconscious. 

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