Chapter 5(Part 3 - The US, 2015)

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 These alien people have just said that they are here from the future. Aspen can't tell if this is some sort of practical joke or if she is just hallucinating. She looks at each one of them noting the strange clothes they wear. Hayden, the girl who claims she is from 2080, stands apart from the rest of the group. From what they have said, the group of three are from 2050, and they have travelled here to try and change the past to fix the future. It seems as if Hayden is here to do the same thing. Aspen has come to understand that both groups of people have been kidnapped and transported here with little knowledge of what they are supposed to do.

"Maybe we should look through our stuff again to try and find a clue," the girl, who's name is Alex, says, drawing Aspens focus back on the problem at hand, the problem of trying to figure out how to save the world. Together they take out everything they have. Robbie pulls out some clothes, a strange container that looks to be filled with water, and some bars. The other two who came with Robbie take the same items out of their bags and look towards Hayden to see what she has.

"I only have the watch," she says pointing to the old fashioned time telling device that is similar to what is worn during Aspens time. "I can try to play the message again." All of a sudden a man appears out of the watch repeating the message that Hayden already told everyone. The holograph from the watch is not something that watches in 2015 can do. Aspen stares at the watch startled by the advanced technology. The other three also seem equally surprised indicating that 2050 doesn't have technology like Haydens. After seeing the newer, advanced technology, Aspen becomes slightly convinced that maybe these people are actually from the future.

"Are you sure you've checked all the pockets of those bags?" Aspen asks chiming in for the first time. "Here let me look." Robbie, Brooke and Alex look at Aspen unsure of whether or not they should trust her, but they end up hesitantly handing over the bags. Aspen takes Robbie's bag first and starts haphazardly shaking the bag. The four others stare at Aspen in confusion not knowing what her plan is. When nothing happens, Aspen starts searching the bag for any hidden pockets but finds nothing. She then moves on to search Brookes bag. As she is shaking the bag, a rusted, bronze key falls out of the bag. Everyone stares at the key in confusion. It looks like an old fashioned key, something that would be used in 2015, not 2050.

"What does this key unlock?" Aspen asks, looking to Brooke for answers.

"What are you looking at me for?" Brooke replies. "We told you that we were kidnapped and that these aren't our bags, so your guess is as good as mine."

"Calm down Brooke," Robbie says, taking the key from Aspen and analyzing it. "It would have helped if we had gotten some information before being thrown into that time machine." They all nod in agreement with Robbie as Aspen grabs the last bag and starts to shake it. Something rectangular shaped and thin falls out of the bag.

"That looks like a computer chip," Alex says, picking it up.

"Do you have a computer that we can use?" Robbie asks Aspen.

"Yeah in my house, follow me." Aspen starts heading towards the yellow house at the end of the meadow in the opposite direction of the tree. They walk in silence, trying to figure out how to proceed and why they were chosen to deliver this message. Finally, they reach the house, and Aspen grabs the key underneath the carpet on the porch. The door creaks open as Aspen pushes it, and they all file inside.

"My parents won't be home for a while, so you don't have to worry about running into them and having to answer lots of questions." Aspen heads into a room off of the entrance. In the room are piles and piles of books covering almost the entire room. In the center of the room is a single table void of any books where the computer is located.

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