Chapter 6(Part 1 - The US, 2050)

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"Brooke!" Robbie exclaims. "We're almost out of gas. We need to find a gas station."

"I think I saw one a few miles back." Brooke replies

"It looks like there's one up the road," I say, noticing a sign a few feet up ahead. As we get closer, I can see the sign better, and I notice that it says there is a rest stop after the exit. We pull off of the highway and drive up to a small building. The building looks like it was once a nice, popular convenience store but now seems as if it has been abandoned. The once tan store is now a gross brown color and looks like it is covered in dirt. It seems as if it hasn't been cleaned in weeks. Brooke drives up to the gas tank and hops out of the truck. Robbie and I follow her out of the car stretching out our legs. The three of us are standing around the truck waiting for it to fill up with gas when we hear loud music. A black van with tinted windows speeds by us.

"I'm going into the store to see if I can buy some food," I say heading inside.

"Get me a cream soda!" Robbie shouts, throwing me some cash. As I open the door, the bell jingles, a creaky rusted sound. I walk to the cold section, grabbing two iced coffees and one cream soda. Then, I get some chips and other snacks for the ride to Brookes house. I then approach the cashier, the only other person in the store. He looks at me as if surprised to see that I am buying food. Once I pay, I exit the building and join my friends outside the car.

"Thank god they had cream soda!" Robbie says, grabbing the can. "I haven't had one of these in forever."

Before I can respond, I hear the squealing of tires on pavement, and I see a familiar car backing up. It quickly turns into the gas station where we are, and three men hop out. I recognize the car as the one that drove past us earlier. The man in the lead is very tall and muscular. He has a giant scar going directly across his face blocking out what were most surely beautiful features. He is sporting a massive machine gun and is staring directly at us. The three of us stand there stricken and stuck in place unable to run for fear of being shot. Once I am able to get past the scary features of the lead many, I look past him and see two shorter men with pistols. They seem to be following what the taller man says because they are both looking at him as if waiting for instructions.

"What are you guys doing at this gas station?" the tall man asks, threateningly. "You really shouldn't be out here all alone. It's a dangerous world right now." None of us respond, we just stare at him unsure of what to do.

"Well, I'm Logan and these two are Bennie and Mason, and we are here to help you," Logan says. "What are you standing there for? It's rude not to introduce yourselves." Logan adds when he realizes that we aren't going to say anything. When we continue to stand in silence, Logan raises his gun in a threatening manner.

"I'm Robbie and this is Brooke and Alex," Robbie quickly says unfreezing from his terror.

"Thank you, Robbie for finally saying something," Logan says. "Now, you guys better come with us if you don't want to die."

"Um, I think we're fine on our own," Robbie says, hesitantly.

"Oh no you aren't. You three are coming with us." Logan says again.

"What if we don't want to?" Robbie asks, gaining confidence and seeming to forget that they are all holding guns.

"Robbie," I whisper. "Be careful."

"We can make this easy or hard," Logan replies. "You know what? I don't care what you guys want. Bennie, Mason go ahead." Logan gives them a hand signal, and they start walking towards us. Before I can try to run, they have reached us and Bennie grabs me and Brooke while Mason grabs Robbie. They start dragging us towards the car as Logan points his gun at us in warning. Bennie and Mason tie us up and throw us in the truck.

"Where are you taking us?" I ask once the three men are in the car and driving.

"You'll see," Logan responds. I decide to refrain from asking any further questions so as to avoid getting shot or angering them more. Brooke, Robbie and I are squished together in the van with me in between Brooke and Robbie. I look at them both seeing similar looks reflected in their eyes.

"What do you think is going to happen to us?" I whisper.

"Nothing good," Brooke replies with a slight quiver in her voice.

"Your parents will know that something must've happened to us when we don't show up at your house, right?" Robbie asks.

"You're right. They'll find us." Brooke replies, trying to reassure us and herself.

"Look!" Robbie says, pointing towards Brooke's window. I look outside to find hundreds of people holding signs and shouting. Some of the signs read We Want Change or Replace the Gov.

"Oh my god!" Brooke whispers. "This is even worse than I imagined."

"I guess we found all the people." 

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