Chapter 2(Part 1 - The US, 2050)

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As Brooke and I approach the party and the music gets louder, I begin to regret my decision to go with Brooke. I like hanging out with my friends, but parties are just too much for me. The parties I have been to usually consist of people screaming, drinking and fighting. Almost all parties end with the cops being called because the music is too loud. The few parties Brooke has forced me to go to, I have not enjoyed.

"Ugh, I change my mind. I'm going back to the dorm," I complain as I realize how little I like parties.

"No way are you backing out now," Brooke objects. "You look beautiful, and we are going to have fun before we leave for summer break. "

"Seriously, I'm gonna go. We can always do something else to celebrate the end of our freshmen year." Before I get a chance to back away, we reach the party, and Brooke pulls me into the jumble of people.

"Welcome! Welcome!" Harry says as people enter the giant white house. "Alexis! Brooke! I feel like I haven't seen you guys in forever! Where have you been?"

"We were focusing on finals which is what you should've been doing," Brooke replies with a smirk.

"You think so little of me. Of course I was studying," Harry replies with a wink and turning away from Brooke to greet me. I met Harry at the beginning of the year in my organic chemistry class. He showed up acting like a total douche, paying no attention to our professor and joking with his friends throughout the entire class. At the end of the lesson, he approached me and tried hitting on me. I ignored him, but he continued to use cheesy pickup lines and brag about himself. I found out that despite his carefree manner, he is actually brilliant and can ace any test without studying or paying attention during class. Eventually, after weeks of harassment, I snapped and told him I wasn't interested in going out with him. When I said that he actually looked sad which made me feel bad, so I told him that I wasn't looking for a boyfriend and that maybe we could be friends.

"What are you staring at?" Harry asks. "See something you like?"

"Ew, no. I was just noticing how ugly you are and that I could have chosen to be friends with any other guy, and they would have been more attractive than you." Harry is actually the opposite of ugly. He has curly brown hair that most of the time covers his eyes. Sometimes when his hair is pulled back in a bun, his brilliant green eyes are visible, seeming to reflect an endless forest that I have only seen in textbooks. His eyes are so beautiful that I often find it easy to get lost in them. Harry is toned sporting a six pack and muscles for days. He is covered in tattoos each having a different meaning. He is very attractive but telling him that would only inflate his ego.

"Ouch, that hurt." Harry replies to my statement of him being ugly. "At least I-"

"Stop bickering, lovebirds." Brooke interrupts, grabbing my arm and tugging me further into the party. Both Harry and I make grossed out faces at Brookes comment. When I rejected Harry, his feelings towards me seemed to disappear, and he views me as nothing more than a sister figure.

"How'd you get Alexis to come?" Harry asks Brooke before we completely disappear into the crowd.

"Seriously, Harry. Would you stop calling me that? It's not funny." I say grimacing at the nickname. Before I can hear Harry's response, Brooke and I get absorbed into the crowd, leaving Harry alone to welcome more guests. As we get farther into the house, the music gets increasingly louder. It's so loud that I can barely hear the voice of Brooke standing one inch away from me. There are people all around, shoving me farther and farther into the crowd. As I get closer to the music, I can feel the bass vibrating through my body almost as if it's a part of me. It feels as if my eardrums are about to burst because of the noise erupting through the room.

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