Chapter 4 - Hayden(Part 3 - The US, 2015)

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"Ouch!" I exclaim as I start to regain feeling throughout my body. I look up and see light, bright blue skies and a twinkling sun splitting through the sky. I smell clean, beautiful air. I look around me and see trees a color of green I only have memories of seeing. Everything is so unfamiliar. I feel something smooth and soft beside me, and I look over to see grass, the brightest green. Slowly I sit up, urging my headache to go away. I don't know what happened to me or where I am. All I know is that I only have memories of places as beautiful as this.

I stand up walking around the beautiful meadow examining the many flowers I see the further I walk. I spot many yellow flowers, some that I have no recollection of ever seeing before. I spot purple flowers further down the meadow, and I sprint towards them. Everything is so amazing and startling that I forget for a while what happened before I appeared here. I pick up one of the flowers, and as I do so, I notice something shiny on my wrist. I look down at the object, and my memories of the previous events come flooding back. I remember how I got arrested, and then many days later, I was brought to a lab and given this watch. After that I don't remember anything, until appearing here. I look at the watch confused as to what it is supposed to do. I remember that watches like these, old fashioned watches, only tell the time and sometimes work as a timer. I examine the watch trying to figure out the time, but it only says 2015. Through further examination, I notice a few buttons on the side and start clicking them randomly. Suddenly, a holograph of a man, the old man who brought me to the lab, pops up, out of the watch.

"If this worked then by my calculations, you should be in Vermont during the year of 2015," the old man says through the watch. "This time period should be before the raucous events of 2050 and the terrible changes of the climate. You must find someone, someone who you can trust and explain what has happened. It is imperative that you tell them. You must notify them of these dangers so that they can help you try and change the outcome of these events. Soon, you will be given further instructions. Once you have done everything, you must smash the watch, and you will be brought back to your present time. Only smash the watch once you have completed these tasks. If you ignore these directions, you will not be allowed home." Before I can ask any questions like why I was chosen for this or how I will find someone that I can trust, the man disappears leaving me alone. I have no idea how any of what he said can make sense. I stare out upon the horizon in total disbelief. I must have hit my head really bad for me to hallucinate all of these events. I feel my head looking for a bump but find nothing. I decide that maybe I should try to find someone and ask them what is happening. I spin around three times and start walking in the direction I end up facing.

I begin walking through the meadow unsure of where I am going. I walk through the grass feeling the luxurious pasture. After going through the meadow, the trees surrounding me start to clear until I reach a wide open area. This area has one giant tree in the middle, and the sun hits the tree in a way that makes it the center of my focus. I look at it, examining its beauty, and I notice something strange. It seems as if there is a person on the tree. I look around expecting to see many buildings, but I only see one singular, beat up looking house.

I walk towards the tree hoping that the person there will be able to help me. On my way to the tree, I start to hear branches breaking. I look over to the location of the noise and see three people wandering through the woods. They look up at the same time that I look at them, and we lock eyes.

"Hey! Wait up!" The boy yells, sprinting towards me. I stop walking and look at the group noticing that there are two girls and one boy. The boy has blonde, messy hair and a crooked smile. He looks to be about six feet one inch and has brown eyes. He is followed by two girls: they both have brown hair and one looks to be about five feet while the other looks like she is five feet seven inches. The group of people look beat up and tired with mud all over their faces. They each carry a backpack and are dressed as if they stepped out of a magazine from the 2050s. If my watch is correct about the date then the styles these people wear haven't become trends yet.

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