The Black Forest Part 14

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The summer sunset was spectacular in its range and colour but when the sky darkened through grey to inky black, the world retreated into tiny spots of light from villages far below them while above their heads was a riot of stars: the effect was mesmerising.  Lying back on their sleeping bags, Seon-jae's arm supporting Hye-won's neck, the pair lay hypnotised in contemplation.  

'Such beauty,' Hye-won breathed aloud to which Seon-jae murmured: 'mmm,' turning his head to breathe in the scent of her hair beside him and place a light kiss on her head before returning his gaze upwards.   

'In Seoul, there were clear nights when even with all the street-lights, the stars refused to be ignored but don't really do it justice, do they?'

'I remember lying on my bunk so many nights wishing I could see even just one star.  This...being up here in the mountains...with the whole universe of stars laid out just for us...I think I could die happy right now, here, with you, Seon-jaea.'

'Hey, no talk of dying.  We have our whole lives to live together.  We can lie together and watch the stars every night and still have the next day to live and be happy.  Doesn't that sound better, hmm?' he half-joked with a low chuckle rumbling through his chest.  

She rolled her body in towards his then, so that her ear lay against his chest.

'I love the sounds of you,' she murmured in that position.  'I love to hear laughter rumble through your chest like this.  Earlier today when we were stopped for lunch, I could hear your voice in my ears and feel its vibrations through my body and it was like a lullaby.  Yesterday, when I was crying after I woke thinking I was back in prison and you held me against your chest, it was the steady sound of your heart-beat pounding through you that calmed me.  Actually, wait a minute...'

She moved her position again to lay her ear against his stomach and listened for a few moments.

'Yes...I knew it...I even love the gurgling sounds down here,' and laughing now, she tickled across his abdomen to his sensitive sides, reducing him to squirming laughter.  

'Ah, Hye-won, you are killing me.  I am so ticklish...stop...stop.'

He went on the offensive then, returning her tickles in kind, drawing the same helpless response.  He rolled her onto her back and threw his leg over her to trap her thighs beneath him, increasing his tickling power. 

'Ok, ok, I'll stop, I'll stop,' Hye-won managed to pant between laughs, as he petted her mercilessly.  'You are far stronger than me so I will always lose to you in one-on-ones, won't I?'

'You have been holding your own exceptionally well in our one-on-ones, as I recall,' Seon-jae laughed, bending to rub his stubble lightly against her sensitive neck area, while still ranging his hands over her sides freely.

'Ok, if I promise not to tickle you again, will you leave me alone and stop driving me crazy?' Hye-won begged in semi-desperation, as her stomach muscles cramped with agony at his strokes.

Seon-jae's hands gave her some relief but his neck nuzzling became more persistent and seductively breathy.

'I absolutely...can not...promise to leave you alone, my darling.  The most I can promise is that...I will only drive crazy as you beg for,' he whispered back, drawing more chuckles from Hye-won.

'And now that I know that you love the sound of me, I can use that against you too.  Like this...and this,' and here he punctuated his nuzzles along her neck with low moans that he deliberately made against her skin, so that Hye-won felt the thrilling vibrations right through her body.

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