New Life Part 38

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The conversation turned then to possible repertoire but Hye-won remained fairly quiet, as the enormity of what she had admitted struck her.  I said out loud that playing in public is important to me.  Now that she mused on it, it was astounding to her.  I spent today choosing music, practising it, giving myself over to the feelings and ideas within it, allowing it to enter and enrich my soul.  That joy could become a daily reality in the weeks ahead if Ciara is available and interested.  

She murmured to Seon-jae that she would be back directly and stepped inside the pub.  In the bathroom, she pulled out her phone and, after a deep breath, rang Ciara's number.  She couldn't believe when it was answered after 2 rings and she heard Ciara's cheery 'hiya, Hye-won, great to hear from you.'

She had already decided not to beat around the bush and in a few brief sentences, she laid out the bare bones of the suggestion and asked Ciara directly if she was either interested or available.  An excited squeal on the other end of the phone was Ciara's first reaction, before she told her that her usual accompanist had been offered a job in a summer school in Ireland -  starting in a few weeks - and it had been a worry whether she would be able to find a replacement in a hurry.  The suggestion that she could work with Hye-won seemed to genuinely thrill Ciara and her excitement was contagious.  By the time Hye-won rang off, promising to ring her when she had further concrete details, both women had roused each other to fever pitch.  

When Hye-won exited the bathroom - her head still buzzing with the call - she was surprised to see Seon-jae pacing the corridor.

'There you are - I was beginning to get worried that we had frightened you away and you were regretting your decision already.'

'And you imagined I might run away, without a word of goodbye?'

Spoken in jest, Hye-won saw the chilling effect on Seon-jae, as his face fell.  She immediately put her arms around his waist and hugged him, contritely: 'love, love, I'm sorry - that was supposed to be a joke.'

'Well, it was a bad one.'

It was as close to sulking, as she had ever seen from him and it was hard not to find his cute pout adorable, though she had sense enough not to share that feeling right then.  I think that's one that I'll hold for a more...intimate moment.  

She used the perfect distracting tactic instead.  She told him about her impetuous call and Ciara's delighted reaction and they both returned to the beer garden excitedly to share the news with In-seo and Dieter.  These 2 were deep in conversation when they returned but were amazed to hear that Hye-won had been so fast off the mark.  

'I can see now why you have been so good at your job all these years,' In-seo praised and they talked a little longer about the scheduling possibilities.  Eventually though, it was obvious that no more could be decided that night and In-seo admitted he was jet-lagged and needed sleep.  

They split at the front door of the pub, In-seo and Dieter walking together to In-seo's hotel - on Dieter's way home - so after a fond farewell and promises to be in touch over the weekend, the couple walked hand-in-hand to the university, chatting over the incredible details of the evening.



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Hye-jae - Book 1: New BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now