New Life Part 20

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Almost by unspoken agreement, the two moved to action when they roused.  Showers and a change to fresh shorts and tees, coffee and brunch - seeming to contain every foodstuff in Seon-jae's cupboards: eggs, salad, bread, cheese, meats, olives, pickles, kimchi - then they exited the apartment to walk through a small, rear garden to a large shed, with the door propped open.  

Seon-jae went inside and brought out the two bicycles he had scouted.  One was a racer with aerodynamic lines, the right height for Hye-won's tall frame; the other, a town bike with a large moulded saddle and in front, a capacious wicker basket.

'The basket looks big and useful but it's the saddle that has me sold on this one - it looks much comfier than the other one,' her eyes laughingly telling a vivid tale that her mouth was not voicing.  I can't remember the last time I was on a bicycle - can I even still remember how?

Seon-jae laughed too and when he was sure that the town-bike was her final choice, raised the saddle with an Allen key that hung on a nail inside the shed-door, before bringing out his own bicycle, a sturdy trail bike with panniers hung on either side of the rear wheel.  He re-focussed on Hye-won, with a sideways tilt of the head: 'how about we cycle into town first and then I slip away for a couple of hours, while you explore a bit on your own?  Or would you prefer to rest after all the exercise over the last few days?  And nights!

Hye-won mirrored his head-tilt with a grinning one of her own: 'I slept really well last night - I know why - so I am feeling great - well ready for another adventure!'

Seon-jae held out a set of replica keys he had made for her - telling her carefully which fitted which doors - before they both walked their bikes out the back gate.  Laughing, he said: 'be careful not to let your tyres slip into the grooves for the trams - it happened me one night and I barely lived to tell the tale!'


For the first few minutes, Hye-won's heart was in her mouth

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For the first few minutes, Hye-won's heart was in her mouth.  It really had been a long time since she had ridden a bicycle regularly.  She watched carefully for the tram-grooves, passing traffic, pedestrians, other cyclists.  Seon-jae ensured to place himself on the outside of Hye-won and took an easy pace but even so, she was overly cautious and not a little wobbly.  But as they crossed the bridge over the river, her muscles seemed to remember the repeated actions and within a few moments, she realised that she was beginning to relax and enjoy the cooling breeze in her face.  Progressing along broader streets, she felt how freeing the speed felt.  It really must be true what they say - you never forget how to ride a bike. 

Seon-jae led them easily to the university sector and they soon entered the bike park and hopped off.  Hye-won's face was beaming with the vigorous exercise.  

'That was fun!'

Seon-jae chuckled as he propped and locked the two bicycles together.

'So you are a natural athlete, as well as everything else?' he teased, not a little admiringly of this statuesque beauty in whose cheeks there was even a rosy bloom.  He stretched a hand to pinch this healthy flush, saying, not un-ironically: 'it's an extreme compliment,' to which they both laughed.

Hye-jae - Book 1: New BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now