New Life Part 35

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Seon-jae rolled onto his back, pulling Hye-won to lie, front to front, upon him.  He kissed the top of her head and settled his arms around her - one hand on her hair, the other enclosing her back -  then covered them both and closed his eyes. Just 5 minutes.  

Much later, Hye-won stirred from where she had slept soundly on Seon-jae's bare chest, his arms around her and one leg thrown across the back of hers.  His heart-beat is so steady.  So warm.  Her first conscious thought was a deep sense of relaxation, both from the skin-to-skin contact in lying in this position and the hugely comforting patter of his heart beating beneath her ear.  Her second thought was a huge sense of guilt that he had probably missed classes.  She raised her head to look upwards at his sleeping face to wake him, so that he could rush to catch his next lecture but her words sank to nothing when she saw him.  He is still wearing the cap.  My God, he's an angel incarnate.  

She slid upwards along his body so that she could soak in the delicacy of his resting face but his body responded to the upward movement by undulating with her, as a moan of complete relaxation slipped from his mouth.  

'Hmm, where are you going?  You're not allowed to leave me just yet.  This is too...perfect.'

His deep, drawling mumble throbbed through her and she was easily persuaded.  She kissed his collarbone, then settled her head in the crook of his shoulder: 'I'm not going anywhere - I'm going to shamelessly lie here and enjoy all the delights on offer and not worry one bit about the fact that you have probably missed your first lecture by now.'

'It's harmonic theory - you could probably give me master classes in it - in fact, I'm sure you'd do it brilliantly.  So we can just stay right here and have fun all morning instead, what do you say?'

'Harmonic fun, I'm sure you mean?' 

'If that's what you want to call it...'

Laughing cheekily, he snuggled down into the bed, holding Hye-won's head carefully in place on his shoulder.  Enclosed within the covers, he kissed her forehead, her nose, then took her lips in his.  He kissed her in a way that brought her right back to the first kiss of the morning on the balcony and the heat that had sent through them.  We are both equally addicted.  He made all 5 of her senses ring and then, in a seductive, guttural tone: 'baby, seriously, how bad do we have it?'

'I was just thinking the same thing but you know what, I have stopped trying to explain it - even to myself.  I think all I...all we can do is ride the wave, you know.'

'Hmm, I like the sound of that,' he chuckled, his lower limbs making very definite waves against hers : 'because I honestly cannot believe how we are for each other this last week.'

He looked down at her, her head resting on his arm and she shyly raised her eyes to meet his: 'I think that we haven't even begun to scratch the surface of our love and the happiness it will bring us. If we had known at the start how...exceptional this love was going to be, maybe we could have held back - I doubt it but maybe - but there's nothing to be done now. I know you said - way back on the balcony before you lured me back to bed for your shameless pleasure - ok, ow, I'm sorry,'  as she pinched him over and over wherever she could squeeze skin: 'before I lured you back to bed for my shameless pleasure,' bringing her grins, 'you said that you find it scary but we are bound together by this...need for each other.  What I feel for you and what you feel for me is not measured by age or by events or even by time. It's not measurable in any way that can be spoken in words because it is beyond''  And it's wonderful.

Hye-won swallowed hard, twice but the lump in her throat wouldn't budge.  In the obscured light, she held his eye and her look was so warm and loving that Seon-jae's lips naturally fell to hers. Long moments he tasted her, his tongue gently probing her, his lips pulling hers, his breath coffee-sweet.  He looked at her and she looked back - I will never, ever tire of seeing this intense look on his face - and then with a sly grin, she teased: 'now about wearing this pink cap...'

Hye-jae - Book 1: New BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now