New Life Part 30

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The intense sweetness of the union lasted long after the delirium of passion had ebbed away and they lay in each other's arms in an easy stupor.  In the dusky room, Seon-jae's voice came to Hye-won's ears as she lay, neither sleeping nor fully conscious.  He sounded as though he too were on the threshold, his tones low and slow.  

'My love, you said that today is a day for telling the truth, no good lies, right?'

Hye-won slowly answered a quiet yes.

'Well, my truth is that I had both wonderful and awful images playing in my head while we made'

His voice broke with the depth of feeling he was trying to contain.  She waited but no more words came. She lolled her head sideways and peeked at his slumped form: 'what is it, love?  If you are worried that you will upset me, don't be.  I feel like nothing could pierce my armour at the moment.'  I knew that he was so disturbed earlier - it has to be that. tight-fitting armour would be a thing to see.  He bent an arm under his head, as he turned in towards her recumbent form.  She's a thing to see just like this.  He allowed himself some moments to admire the magnificence of what he was seeing in the low, light levels of the faded day.  Her hair was tumbled around her head and the tops of her shoulders.  Her face - kissed with shadows and light - gave her an other-worldly hauteur like some fierce female ruler from history.  The natural athleticism of her dancer's physique showed in her languid arms and long-legged elegance, her glistening nakedness simply adding to the mystique of her beauty.  Jaw-droppingly gorgeous...and she's mine.

He reached to stroke her cheek with the back of his finger, feather-lightly.  

'Are you sure?  We don't have to talk about it now.  We could just snuggle up and sleep.'  

A volt of erotic energy ran through him and impulsively, with a deep groan, he rolled her naked form between his legs again, one leg and arm curving under her, while the others splayed tightly around her.   I might never leave this bed again.  The second their forms melded, his slow, powerful pelvic thrust reminded Hye-won of just why they were both so relaxed.  God, he's still hot for me - I love that.  She sighed herself into his embrace, the physicality of him erotic but also reassuring behind her, the weight of his leg across her proprietorial.  Nothing he could say could disturb her at this moment, when their bond was so unbreakable.

'Tell me - or I may never permit you to sleep again, lover,' as she suggestively rotated against him.

He moaned, sending stirring vibrations through her and dropped his nose into her neck in front of him, taking a noisy, deep inhalation of the essence of her, which left him drowning in deadly pheromones and slightly dizzy.  We'll be off again at this rate.

'Well, we survived...death by button...did you call it? So bring it on, baby,' then his tone became more serious: 'but seriously, you have to let me know if you need me to just shut up, ok?'


Seon-jae took his time then, imagining himself back in the park, hearing again the awful story, seeing Hye-won's traumatised face, as she revealed herself.  He pictured her folding herself into his chest and covering her face from him after she had finished speaking.  He put himself back on the balcony, needing to kick something, someone, consumed with anger and frustration and sorrow, unsure if or when Hye-won would emerge from the bathroom and what he should or could say to ease her pain, to reassure her when she found the courage to face him again.

It was clear that he was struggling.  Hye-won placed a hand on the muscled flank pressing upon her and stroked slowly.  In this way, Seon-jae finally began to tell Hye-won what was on his mind.

Hye-jae - Book 1: New BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now