New Music Part 46

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Ciara answered with a cheery yeoboseyo - hello.  She and Hye-won were exchanging snippets of conversational Korean and Ciara had a knack for pronunciation, which she self-deprecatingly explained away - in Ireland, every child has to learn 2 official languages right through school - Irish and English - with the usual result that no-one speaks either properly - though as Hye-won told her wryly - you regularly perform in Italian, German, French and Latin - it's no surprise that you have an ear for Korean too.

As Hye-won began to lay out her problem for Ciara, Seon-jae indicated that he would leave her to chat with her friend and get on with the dishes. He cleared the table and was standing drying up the last of the cutlery, when Hye-won re-entered the flat, closing the balcony door behind her.

'Ok, so as expected, the brilliant networker that is Ciara Delahunty knows exactly how to fix this problem. She says there is a man's shop in town that all her male musician-friends use for performance suits, jackets, whatever. She has texted me the address and we just need to go by in the morning, they will measure you and then you go on to college from there and I will take care of the rest, ok?'

As Seon-jae looked uncomfortable, she laughed: 'that is exactly the face that Ciara said you would make and this is what she told me - tell Seon-jae they are really down-to-earth and low-key - no fussy gentleman's tailoring nonsense - it will be almost painless - but honestly,' she put a hand on his shoulder, 'if you really hate the idea, I am sure that I could pick you out something from the department store in town.'

Seon-jae's expression showed a trace of a smile, as he placed the tea-towel he had just finished folding on the counter and put his hand in the small of her back to edge her closer to his body.

'Well, it is a terrible imposition on me,' as he dropped his head to nuzzle her ear, 'as I am very busy right now,' and took her lobe in his warm mouth to suck it noisily and suggestively, 'so I might have to be bribed somehow.'

He raised his head to look into her eyes and the sexual tension that had fired in him from her first suggestive smile at dinner was clearly obvious to her.

'Hmm, a bribe? Now what could you have in mind - maybe...this,' as she gave him the briefest peck on the cheek, 'or this,' as she held his chin between her thumb and forefinger and placed a more lingering touch on his lips, 'or maybe, more like, this?' as she slid the hand on his chin around the back of his neck and drew his lips to melt into hers, in a deep, languorous kiss that went on for an achingly-long time.

When she lifted her head for air, it was clear that the kiss had had the same devastating effect on him as on her and he groaned: 'baby, don't stop, it's too delicious when you kiss me like that, I just want more.'

Hye-won did not need persuading - her insides were on fire too - but she loved to tease him and ran a suggestive thumb over his bottom lip, drawing another groan from deep within him: 'here - is it too delicious here, like this?'

She replaced the heavy thumb on the lower lip, with a feather-light forefinger on the upper one: 'or here, do you just want more here, like this?'

'Yes. And yes. Both. Now. Please,' then with a cheeky half-smile, 'for me?'

She laughed, happily: 'ah, not fair...but you are too sexy to resist, even without the for me?'

She pulled him closer to her and kissed him so seductively and for so long that he felt that he could truly pass away in the moment. The taste of her, the scent of her, the way her lips moved on his, the feeling as her body brushed his, her hands on his neck, his hands around her back and in her hair - every sense was on fire and his heart was singing. Here, now, this amazing woman, loved and trusted and admired him and thought he was funny and sexy and cute and kissed him so that he would know all those feelings. I can't deserve this but I don't care.

Hye-jae - Book 1: New BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now