New Life Part 29

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Seon-jae had much, much more inside to communicate but one look at Hye-won showed that she was close to breaking point. She has bottled up this trauma - and the consequences -  for so long.  She needs time.  He sat quietly at the piano a little longer, his arm around Hye-won's back, his hand stroking her upper arm, then a happy thought occurred to him: 'sitting close in front of the piano like this brings back so many great memories.  Like playing the duet that first day - wa - wow - the sparks were flying between us from the very start, weren't they?  You could feel them too, couldn't you?'

Hye-won paused and then answered honestly: 'of course I could, Seon-jae - I had never felt anything so powerful in my life.  And as this seems to be the day for truth-telling, I may as well tell the truth on this too.  I have felt the same crazy attraction to you every time I have been with you since.  Truly,  I can't look at you without wanting to kiss you...what was the word you used in your text earlier today...senseless?  It's a good word, actually - describes perfectly the insane attraction I feel for you when we kiss.'

Seon-jae froze and unconsciously did a jaw-drop, his lower lip separating from his upper and his pink tongue peeping behind his upper, front teeth, as he gazed at her as though she had just cast a forceful incantation.  Is she serious?  Hye-won returned his spell-bound gaze, allowing the torrent of feelings surging through her to direct her actions.  She dropped her eyes to those lips, that tongue, and the depth of the desire that flickered along her veins was clearly visible in her face.  

The erotic tension between them was palpable, as they both roved their eyes freely across each other's face and body, making no attempt to hide their lust for each other.  Seon-jae slid his left hand down along the smooth material of the dress to sit on her hip bone, his pulse responding manically to the sight of his large hand on her oblique angles : 'so this pretty dress is not really fair, don't you think?  It's far too...alluring... might be one way to describe it.'

Hye-won's eyes flashed the electrical phenomenon that was charging through her at his words and her own lips parted, perhaps in an unconscious mirroring of Seon-jae's.  His eyes lit up as he gaped helplessly at this obvious desire and he began to speak in a hoarse croak, which Hye-won found hugely seductive.

'As we walked in the woodland earlier, I had an...interesting experience, just around here,' and he indicated with his eyes where his hand was resting.

Hye-won's eyes followed his: 'you did?'

'Mm...I was walking with my arm around your back and my hand sort of naturally slipped down along your waist and ended up...well, it might be best to enact this for you, just so you are clear, as to what I mean.'

He stood away from the piano and she stood with him, without urging.  Rotating her shoulders, he angled her away from him so that she was standing to his right side, then his arm again slipped around her waist and down onto her hip, where his splayed hand manipulated the powerful ridges pressing through the skin.  His determined touch had run trails of fire across her back and down her sides and now his touch on her pelvis was thrilling.

'I am not sure that I have ever really noticed this exact body-zone properly before but it's so angular and strong, I find it so sexy - I can't believe I missed it.'

He dropped his other hand to mimic the actions of his first, moving himself behind to press hard against her, until her heart jumped in her chest.  The feeling was compelling, as though his hands were responding to a charge within her and though any lower would have been too sensitive to take such manipulation, his sustained touch on the pelvic bones was hugely sensual.  It made her skin tingle and her blood rush to bloom in her cheeks. 

Hye-jae - Book 1: New BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now