New Music Part 45

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Throughout the next 2 weeks, the couple's routine adjusted to accommodate an increased range of activities.  Seon-jae had to complete his studies for the semester, which included preparing for an end-of-year performance - one of the reasons for Professor Jo's early appearance before his usual summer concerts in Europe - and both Seon-jae and Hye-won were exceptionally busy working on their keyboard skills to prepare for the concert series.  Seon-jae, in the main, rehearsed in college.  He reassured Hye-won that he could concentrate well in the university environment but she was sure that he was mostly ensuring that she had full use of the piano in the flat for her practice sessions.  She did feel guilty but reassured herself that it was for a short period of time.  Occasionally, Ciara visited her to rehearse together but mainly, she spent most of each day alone, working at the keyboard.  

After Seon-jae left for college, she would spend some time choosing music and playing but by mid-morning, she always took a break to walk or cycle in the summer air.  The late July heat would always beat her back indoors by noon and after a light lunch and a quiet rest period when she would maybe nap on the sofa or just sort through sheet music, she would have her most productive hours in the afternoon.  It was incredible to her how natural this new rhythm of her days seemed, when only a few years before, she had been an insomniacal workaholic.  Whether playing music expressing passion, sadness, playfulness, the deep sense of calm that these days gave her was a constant.  Some afternoons, she would feel something akin to the almost trance-like state that she had felt seize her that first magical night that Clara's piece had seemed to flow through her fingers.  It was often only the sound of the key in the door and Seon-jae's return that would alert her to the passing of the hours of the day.  Usually, they would cook their main meal together and eat on the balcony, talking over their day, the music they were playing and any tricky musical issues they were facing.  Seon-jae's liveliness and obvious joy to be re-united with her at the end of every day were the perfect antidote to prevent her solitude from becoming oppressive or lonely.  

On a few afternoons, Ciara stopped by and they spent a few hours working through some of the vocal pieces that they were deciding on.  Ciara's presence in the flat was always so welcome, her warm smile when Hye-won opened the door to admit her, a sign of her genuine affection for Hye-won, an affection that was fully reciprocated.  Ciara never stayed into the late evening when she knew that Seon-jae would be returning, seeming to feel that it was great to collaborate with Hye-won but not wanting to intrude on the couple's private time.

The days flowed by in this productive and satisfyingly uneventful manner and it was about 10 days since the group had all gathered in the flat together, before she met with In-seo again.  His position as adjunct professor meant that his time was taken up with end-of-semester university duties, so when he texted asking if they might meet for coffee, she was glad to cycle to the university to meet him.  He met her at the front entrance and they strolled together to the staff dining hall where they got two iced lattes and propped themselves on high stools in a quiet corner.

The chat first centred on the music that Hye-won was playing and in particular, her collaboration with Ciara: 'she's such a funny soul - honestly, I spend half the time that I am with her just laughing.  I can't tell you how much I like her.'

'I could see when we were all together that there is a great bond between you.  And no wonder, you are both so intelligent and warm, you match each other.'

Hye-won eyed In-seo over her rim: 'goodness, In-seo, I've known you a long time and that might be the nicest thing you have ever said to me.  What's got into you?'

'Me - oh, nothing really.  I just think that you have been through so much and seeing you - and Seon-jae - so happy has sort of restored my faith in humanity.  Sorry - that's probably made you uncomfortable.'

Hye-jae - Book 1: New BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now