The Black Forest Part 17

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As they resumed the trail upwards from their campsite, the early morning sunrise sent long ribbons of light through the undergrowth, flashing on moss, ferns, saplings, throwing each variation of green into relief with a kiss of sunshine, which moved on in seconds.  Though the variety and volume of birdsong seemed limitless, the birds themselves remained mainly hidden in the branches or flying overhead, though from time to time, a starling or swift would dip and swoop across their paths insouciantly.  Once, a small songbird almost collided with Hye-won's face whose gaze at that moment was drawn into the changing light and shade in the undergrowth, and startled, she stumbled slightly.  Seon-jae's arm shot out to catch her elbow, followed by a steadying hand on her lower back.  

'Oh - thank you,' she huffed in laughter but Seon-jae continued to hold her, pulling her in closer to his body.  His eye keenly took in her shapely form in his arms and he bent his head to her neck to inhale her scent.  We fit so well together.

'Be careful - it can be dangerous in these woods,' he teased, hoarsely, his innocent actions unsettling him more than he cared to admit.  Hye-won flashed a grin then and righted herself.

'Dangerous for whom?' she purred, then spun on her toes out of his grasp to continue trekking along the path.  She could hear Seon-jae's mock-frustrated moan behind her with a muttered so sexy and she smiled broadly at her success.  Be careful what you start, my love.

The trail widened significantly and they climbed steadily, making good progress.  Again, Hye-won was amazed at her stamina.  I feel like I could hike like this every day for weeks and not feel tired - maybe this is what they call a natural high.  

Mid-morning, they propped against a large, moss-covered rock for a breather and a cool drink and Seon-jae laid the trail maps across the rock and studied in quietness for a few moments.  

'Did I mention that there is a sort of a surprise today too?' he asked Hye-won who was lazily watching the progress of a lady-bird on a stalk of sedge grass close to them.  

'Really - another one?  As lovely as yesterday's?  Surely not.  I presume I can't ask what it is because then it wouldn't be a surprise, right?' 

He nodded assent, a hidden smile playing around his lips: 'maybe, even better than yesterday's.'

Hye-won was intrigued but she could tell that he was determined not to tell her.  

'Fine.  I can wait, unlike some...ahh,' she squealed as Seon-jae caught her meaning and punished her with a teasing bite to the neck that sent shivers all through her.  

'Sorry, sorry, I'll be good,' she laughingly panted, as he bit and licked to cause maximum discomposure.  So close to him, her scent and the taste of her skin unsettled him and when he eventually pulled his mouth away, his eyes were glazed with strong arousal.  

'In the interests of public decency, not to mention the distance we need to cover today, we'd better get going,' he unwillingly said then, with a look of a bold school-boy that made Hye-won smirk.  He's so funny when he sulks though I had better not tell him how cute he looks.

By mid-day, the trail had levelled, making progress easier.  They stopped for a short lunch of bread rolls and cheese with some delicious olives and a few sips from a water bottle before resuming their progress onwards.  Hye-won wouldn't have been averse to a short nap in the shade again, considering that sleep had not been their top priority the previous night but she could sense that Seon-jae was eager to push on and was happy to comply.

As the afternoon progressed though, the heat, even with the shade of the forest around them, was intense and Hye-won could feel that her pace was dropping off.  I wonder if I should suggest another rest?  She held off and ten minutes later, her reward was evident.

Hye-jae - Book 1: New BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now