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Jin's POV:

My new school has been interesting to say the least.

First day was alright and the boy next to me in math seems to enjoy talking. But it's nice I guess.

My locker was near his.. Taehyung. That's his name. He is nice and he hasn't made fun of me like all the other guys have.

At break I saw him with his friends Jimin and Jungkook. I didn't want to go try talk to them I knew one of them would tell me to go away.

I hope 2nd day of school will be better. I hope I'll make friends too.

Taehyung's POV:

I woke up later than usual and had to rush to get ready. I didn't even get to eat breakfast.

I missed the bus too so I had to run to school which worked I guess I made it just in time for the 1st bell.

I walked into registration class and sat by Hoseok. Hoseok was chatting with other people so I looked around the class, Jimin was on his phone but no one was beside him.

Seokjin wasn't there. Is he late?

Out teacher walked in and checked the list. Seokjin still wasn't here.

"has anyone seen Kim Seokjin?" he asked and everyone shook their heads.

It's only the second day of school why isn't he here?

I looked down at my shoes, my laces were untied.

"oh there you are!" Mr Reed said and I looked up. He was here.

He apologized for being late and then sat down.

I was happy to see him. His face.

I really wanna talk to him today.

"loner" one of the boys at the back said and threw paper at Seokjin's head then everyone laughed.

Seokjin just kept his head down.

"leave him alone" I said standing up and walking over to the guy who threw the paper at him.

"shut up Taehyung, it's none of your business" he snorted at me which made me angry.

"just leave him alone okay" I said pushing him.

"fuck off" he said pushing me harder and making me fall on the ground.

He got on top of me and punched my nose, making my nose bleed.

"What the fuck Daniel?" I said getting up wiping the blood from my nose.

"boys!" Mr Reed interrupted,

"Taehyung go get toilet paper and Daniel go to the principals office."

"What?" Daniel said pissed.

"now!" Mr Reed slammed his table making Daniel flinch.

I got up and walked out the class room to get toilet paper.

The day went by quickly and my nose stopped bleeding. Daniel got detention so he got what he deserved.

I walked down the hall as the last bell of the school day rang. Jimin and Jungkook said goodbye and they went off their separate way.

Jungkook had basketball practice and Jimin has tutoring.

I dragged my feet along the floor and opened my locker. A note fell on the floor by my feet.

'to Taehyung' I picked it up and opened it. I didn't recognize the hand writing.

'thank you for standing up for me today. I really appreciate it. Thank you again. ~Seokjin'

I smiled down at the note and put it in my pocket. I closed my locker and saw him looking at me then he quickly looked away.

I smiled at him and he smiled back at me. His eyes sparkled and it made my heart flutter.

He waved his hand softly then walked away.

I walked home that day in the rain smiling even though I was sopping wet.

Seokjin smiled at me today.

I love his smile.

𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐃𝐒 - taejin Where stories live. Discover now