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3rd person's POV:

"Jin!" his mother shouted and barged into Jin's room at 2 am and flickered on his light.

Jin sat up from his bed quickly, the colour from his face vanished. He knew what was coming.

"why didn't you do the laundry?!!!" she screamed loudly grabbing Jin's wrist tightly and dragging him. She smelt of alcohol.

Jin cried out, "I'm sorry-"

She slapped Jin across the face harshly and dragged him outside.

"you know what happens now" she said and unlocked the door to the shed and shoved Jin into the shed, closing it and leaving Jin in complete darkness.

She locked it and walked away, Jin screamed his lungs out and cried.

He sat in the corner of the shed and held his knees to his chest.

Jin had bruises on his wrists and all over his arms.

It began to rain and water leaked into the shed. The weather dropped rapidly and Jin curled up.

His clothes were now sopping wet and he was freezing.

"mom!" he cried out and she didn't even bother listening.

Jin peeked through a hole in the shed. The lights in the house were all off.

"mom.." he sobbed to himself and tried his best to keep warm.

Jin sat in the shed for hours until the sun finally came up.

Jin opened his eyes as he heard the shed door unlocking.

"You're not going to school today." his mother said and locked the door again.

Jin jumped up to try to escape but fell down as he slammed the door.

"You're the reason father is dead. You little shit." his mother said and walked away.

Jin's eyes began to tear up and he had a huge lump in his throat.

"dad... Please.. Help me." Jin cried and remembered the last moment he had with his father.

His father kissed him on the forehead and left late at night. His mother screaming her head off at his father. His father died that night in a car accident. But his mother blamed Jin for his death.

"You're the reason father is dead." his mother's words rang in his head.

𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐃𝐒 - taejin Where stories live. Discover now