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Taehyung's POV:

I packed up my things and walked home. As I got home I picked up my phone to message Jin.

'hey Jin, thanks for giving me your number. You have a beautiful smile btw, - Taehyung'

I starred down at the message. I erased the message.

'hey Jin, it's Taehyung :)'

I pressed send and put my phone in my bedside table.

After doing homework and eating dinner I waited anxiously for Jin to message me back. It's been hours. He's probably busy tho..

I finished my last bit of homework and jumped into bed, 2:15 am.

I closed my eyes and my phone buzzed giving me a fright.

I looked at the name, Jin.

'hey Taehyung-ah I'm glad you didn't loose the napkin haha'

I smiled and my phone screen blinding my eyes, he was up late like me. Homework too? Maybe.

'your up late' I typed and saw him typing back immediately.

'yeah I couldn't sleep..'

He carried on typing so I waited.

'well I'll see you tomorrow, goodnight Tae'

I sighed and typed back,

'goodnight Jin'

He saw it and I placed my phone back on my table.

I looked up at my ceiling, smiling.

Without even realizing it I fell asleep and woke up to my alarm buzzing and beeping every second.

I got up and got dressed quickly.

I grabbed a piece of toast and smeared jam on it and hugged my mom goodbye.

I walked to the bus stop and saw my friends waiting for me.

"hey Taehyung!" Jimin greeted me cheerfully.

"hey guys" I smiled and Jungkook patted my shoulder.

We jumped on the bus and arrived at school.

I had maths first lesson.

'I'll see Jin' I thought to myself and smiled happily.

I walked into math and saw the seat next to me was empty. Was he late?

"anyone seen Kim Seokjin today?" our teacher asked and no one said a word.

I looked down at my feet and watched the clock, every second passed and I didn't see him.

Bell rang for lunch and i saw Jungkook talking to a girl and Jimin sitting by himself watching Jungkook fail at flirting.

"what's up with jk?" I asked and laughed.

"he thinks he can get any girl and I told him to prove it so" Jimin chuckled and pulled out his phone to film Jungkook.

"ahh yes Jungkook the ladies man" I shook my head and watched, laughing my head off.

Jungkook walked back with his teeth gritted.

"okay maybe I'm not a ladies man" he said scratching the back of his head.

We all laughed and then the bell rang again.

School was especially long today, maybe because I didn't see Jin.

I hope he's okay.

I got home and messaged him immediately.

'hey Jin are you okay?'

I saw him typing and jumped slightly, was he waiting for me to message him?

'yeah I am just a little sick that's all.'

I replied and sat on the corner of my bed.

I bit my lip debating whether or not I should tell him I like him..

I threw my phone on my bed and looked out my window.

The clouds were dark grey and the sun was completely covered. I heard some thunder and then closed my curtains.

I closed my eyes and imagined his face.

His smile. His laugh.

I looked at my desk a saw the note Seokjin gave me when I stood up for him.

I held in in my hands and traced the words.

An idea popped into my head.

I should write him a letter, about how he makes me nervous but also makes me extremely happy with his beautiful smile. He's so perfect.

I begin to write the letter but scrap it. Multiple times. I can't get the right words. I spent the whole night trying to write the perfect letter.

𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐃𝐒 - taejin Where stories live. Discover now