A thin line

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'Finally!' Nancy cried out as she stomped into the hall with a nylon full of buns in hand. Slamming her backpack on the table and swallowing a mouth stuffed with buns, She breathed heavily.

'The day I've been waiting for!'

Relief was evident on the faces of my classmates, given that today was the last day of our mock exams. That, coupled with the fact that our long anticipated Paramount Concert was the next day, their smiles seemed brighter, their eyes gleamed with rejuvenated joy which was somewhat infectious. Even the sky seemed bluer and the sun more radiant than usual. 

Sheilagh and I were on good terms, and so was Carol and I. All the papers up till now had been a walkover, even the practical exams turned out to be simpler than expected.

Everything was perfect.

'My eyes hurt, my back hurts, my brain hurts. This biology practical virtually tenderized my brain!' Peter whined, massaging his forehead as we stepped out from the lab together.

Peter could be so dramatic.

Sighing, I shrugged off my lab coat, mentally counting down the hours till the end of the day. I felt a presence behind me and turned to see Carol.

Carol hung her labcoat on her elbow, holding up two fingers with her other hand.

'Two... papers...to...go.' She breathed every word dramatically. 

'Gee, you look exhausted.' I observed the eyebags hanging below her dull eyes.

'Exhausted? I feel about ready to pass out.' She wailed, leaning on the wall next to me.

'Not on my watch. It's break time. Let's get something to eat.' 

'Um, uh...' Carol stuttered 'I uh...have to prepare for Agric Practicals...you know what we were told about how tough it can be.'

Everyone knew Agric practical was the simplest. I wondered the cause of her fidgeting, until it clicked.

I'd never seen Carol at the Food court, not once. Not even to buy water. I totally understood.

'It's alright Carol. It's on me.'

Her eyes widened. 'No, no, no. I don't want to impose. I'll be fine without food...I-'

She was rudely interrupted by the resounding rumble of her stomach. She looked away, visibly embarassed which was understandable.

'I don't think your stomach agrees with you. Come on, don't make me carry you.'

'Like you'd be able to.' She scoffed, walking towards the food court with me following closely behind.

We got to the food court and as expected, the sea of students parted way for us to pass while others whispered to each other while pointing towards Carol. Many others shot us disgusting looks and when I stole a glance at Carol, her eyes looked distant, like she wasn't present. It was almost disturbing so I gave her forearm a slight tap.

'Huh?' She snapped towards me.

'Are you okay? You seemed to have logged out of earth realm a while back. '

'Oh...that... it's just...something that happens with me when I'm around people that make me feel uncomfortable. You know what,  I'd just wait at the corner. You go ahead. '

Carol muttered, as we neared the booth, stepping to the side while I went ahead to join the line.

I slowly nodded, not sure of what to say.

I couldn't believe that even a month after Carol started PH, she was still stigmatized this much. I looked around and spotted Sheilagh skipping towards us.

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