Chapter 32

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I shifted on the couch and reached for another binder. Ever since the patrols started filling out reports of their rounds, Lucas and I spent an hour each night going through the day's forms. Most days were the same: maybe a wolf sighting off in the distance, footprints in the dirt... The same thing that my parents had been seeing for years. Nothing concrete. Nothing that helped us.

This is pointless, Amy huffed in my head. These idiots you call patrols don't know what to look for. The threat is real, and it will waltz right up to us!

Freaking out won't help, I scolded her. And those 'idiots' you're bashing? They're going above and beyond to help us find whoever is behind all this.

They're useless! We should just do it ourselves.

The binder in my hands started to fade out, Amy's infamous haze creeping over my vision. My heartrate increased as my wolf struggled to keep some foothold of control. I could feel her slipping as Amy pushed forward.

Amy, what are you doing?

We have to do something!

I set the binder aside and gripped the edge of the couch. Everything was white, and Amy was edging closer to full control.

Amy, this is not the way to handle a problem. You're a guardian, not a warrior.

She surged forward, winding me in the process. I'm trying to protect you!

You're scared and trying to protect yourself! I shot back. You promised that you wouldn't hurt me.

I... She faltered but didn't stand down. I could feel her internal struggle as if it was mine.


No! We need to do something! They're going to kill me!

I gasped as she surged forward again. Amy... you promised.

Again, she faltered. Thankfully, her struggled must have weighed on her conscience enough to make her back down...a little.


Through the haze, I saw Lucas crouch in front of me. He must have come in when I was arguing with Amy. He knew that I wasn't in full control, so he was speaking straight to her.

"Amy, what are you doing?"

She snarled a little. "Someone needs to do something! Karina is in danger!"

He shook his head. "They're not after Karina. I'm begging you... whatever you are trying to do, don't. Trust me to protect my mate. Give her back to me."

I wanted to cry, but Amy had most of the control. She stared at Lucas for a long minute. Finally, she let herself fade into the background. The haze dissipated, and I could fully see my mate again.

He swallowed. "Karina?"

I lunged forward and wrapped my arms around his neck. He returned the gesture in a vice clamp around my waist. For a minute, we just sat on the floor that way. Tears finally spilled down my cheeks, and I breathed in Lucas' earthy scent. Relief flooded my body. We'd won this battle.

"It's okay," Lucas whispered into my neck. "I got you. I got you."

I nodded as a new wave of tears globbed my throat. We had each other, but would that be enough next time Amy decided to take matter into her own control?



Lucas paced the length of his bedroom balcony, running his fingers through his hair for the hundredth time. Karina had agreed to take a sleeping pill—something she never did—and had fallen asleep about an hour ago. He'd stayed by her side for a while, but his thoughts soon drove him to pacing. His brain seemed to work better when he was moving, and pacing kept him close to Karina. After this afternoon's near disaster, he didn't dare leave her.

The delicate tinkle of windchimes alerted him to Liesel's arrival. She'd appeared on the far end of the balcony, transporting herself there rather than walk through the bedroom. Based on her creased forehead, she was already prepared for a fight. If he wanted this to go well, he couldn't approach the subject all fired up.

"Hey, Liesel."

She cocked an eyebrow. "You're unusually calm, considering what happened earlier."

"I'm trying to be," he amended. "I need your help, and I know that Karina wouldn't appreciate me snapping at you for Amy's behavior."

"You would be right." Liesel crossed her arms and leaned back against the corner of the balcony railing. "So what do you want from me? I've already agreed to step in when necessary."

He gripped the railing and looked out at the darkening backyard. "I'm worried that 'when necessary' might be too late. Karina couldn't keep her in check, and she only backed down because I asked her to. There's no guarantee that you or I will be there if that 'when necessary' moment happens."

"I agree. Obviously we can't be by her side every moment of the day. She'd feel stifled and most likely fight for some time alone...which is when Amy would be most likely would try something." Liesel huffed a breath. "Did you have something in mind?"

Lucas nodded. He'd been thinking of a plan ever since he'd heard what happened to the last guardian. The idea had its risks, but those were better than waiting to see if Amy would comply for the rest of their lives.

"I think we should try to draw Amy out, push her limits to see how she'll respond. She seems to react when she feels threatened. If you do something to make her feel threatened—nothing dangerous or even sincere, just something that she's uncomfortable with—we can see how loyal she truly is."

Liesel stared at him for a moment, no doubt thinking he'd gone crazy. Finally, she cocked an eyebrow and asked, "And if she doesn't respond favorably... If she tries to take control...?"

"You take her out, just as agreed."

The idea hung between them for a moment. Most of the weight of this request fell on the witch and her ability to follow through. Lucas knew the magnitude of what he was suggesting; but his mate and unborn child's safety was more important than the supposed protective power of this guardian. The odds seemed to be stacking against them every day the guardian remained.

"Okay," Liesel finally agreed, "but I want Karina's opinion first. It's her life that we're putting in the line of fire, so I refuse to push the boundary without her knowledge and permission."

"Of course, Liesel. I would never put Karina in this kind of potential danger without her knowing about it. I'm sure she'll agree, but I wanted to make sure you were on board first."

The witch tipped her head to one side. "For someone who should hate every fiber of my being, you've been very understanding and accepting. I'm surprised that you put so much trust in me. Haven't you questioned my loyalty or wondered if I'll betray you?"

Lucas leaned a hip against the railing and held her gaze. "While you haven't given me any reason to question you as of yet, I've kept a cautious mindset towards you. However, I've also picked up on a few hints that suggest that your coven life isn't worth betraying us over. If I'm right, your curiosity about us is enough to keep you in check."

She smiled and touched a fingertip to the side of her nose. "I knew you were smart. And you're right: life in my coven is pretty awful compared to what I've seen during my short time with you guys. I'd rather not cut my explorations of the world short by doing something stupid. Granted, if I somehow botch this plan, I may not have a choice."

"You won't," Lucas assured her. "You're intuitive. You'll know what you need to do when the time comes."

"I see why Karina loves you so much," Liesel sighed. "We'll talk to her in the morning. For now, go get some rest. We'll all need it to face what we're about to do. Messing with a guardian is no light business."

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