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Finn talks to his mum on his phone as we walk down Burnley Street, explaining where we are and why, without giving too much away. We stop by a row of glaring red post boxes while Finn puts his head down and pushes one finger into his ear so he can hear in the other. The traffic is busy. Swooshing past. Constant. Repetitive. It's noisy and aggressive. The air is thick with petrol fumes and the concrete smells dusty and dirty.

The pictures of my dad are in the pocket of Claire's posh tracksuit pants and I keep taking them out to make sure they're still there. That they really exist. I see his face inside my head all the time now.

I check my phone.

We charged up at Claire's house so I'm at full battery.

Minda has texted. Jens, Dada's gone. Miss u. X

I text her back straight away. I'm so sorry. Hope U R ok? xxx

She replies: The body is being washed and prepared so we can say goodbye. Um. Feel kinda weird but have to be mature about it for my brothers.

I don't know how to respond. I've never known anyone who has died before. But being able to say goodbye in some way seems really important.

A way to say goodbye.

The words float around my head and I touch my wristband and realise how lucky Minda is to be able to say goodbye.

I go to text her some crying emojis but that doesn't seem right. I can't tell her that I found my dad or about Finn when she's got so much to do over in India. There isn't enough room in a text message to tell her everything.

I text her some love hearts.

Finn shoves his phone into his pocket. "I was supposed to help my dad build a path today. Whoops."

"I'll come 'round and help when we're back."

Finn looks at me closely. "When do we go back?"

I know Ben has to go back to work; drive all the way back up to Queensland. He'll need the car. I figure he'd let me know when. "I don't know. Soon I guess."

"Show me the pictures again." Finn holds his hand out and I drag my dad's pictures out of my pocket and carefully place them in his palm.

Finn scratches his nose while he squints closely at them. "Amazing."

I nod. "I know."

"Your dad was hot."

"I know."

"Your mum was hot too," Finn grins at me. "A little out there. But hot."

"I get the feeling she would've scared the pants off of you."

"I might've enjoyed it."

I push his arm.

"And your dad's name was Matty, right?"

I nod again. "Matthew James Ellis." It's strange to say it. I test it out again. "Matthew. Matty."

"Your surname is the same as his middle name. Even more weird. Your parents weren't married, right?"

"Not that I'm aware of."

"That name sounds familiar ..." Finn's gaze wanders off down the street and I can see his mind churning.

Finns phone beeps in his pocket. He hands the photos back to me; reads his screen.

"Alex wants us to go to some deli in Bridge Road."


Finn nods.

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