40: Now Here You Are, Standing There (Loving Me)

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The two men watched as Queenie stalked away towards the refreshments table.

Turning back to Jacob, Newt asked, "Jacob, that man Tina's been seeing—"

"Don't worry!" his friend chuckled, lightly smacking his back. "She's gonna see you and completely forget about him. Don't worry about it."

Newt sighed. "Yes, but he's an Auror, Queenie said?"

"Yeah, he's an Auror. So what? Don't worry about him."

That didn't reassure Newt at all. It made him worry about it even more than he already is. That man Tina's been seeing is an Auror. He's probably more handsome, stronger, and more attractive than he is.

He's probably like Theseus or something, Newt thought sadly.

But what if you see her again? A tiny voice in his head asked (it sounded a lot like Theseus for some reason). You should say something to her!

That's probably appropriate... "Uhm...Jacob?" Newt asked.

"Yeah, bud?"

Newt thought over his question for a second before voicing it. "What d'you think I should say to her, if I see her?"

The American seemed a little delighted at his question. Jacob smiled at him. "Oh, well, it's best not to plan these things," he said. "You know, just say whatever comes to you in the moment."

Newt considered the advice. After a beat, he said reminiscently, "She has eyes just like a salamander."

"Don't say that." Jacob immediately chided.

Newt felt himself go completely beetroot and looked down, suddenly finding the beautifully tiled floor of the ballroom fascinating. Did he say something? Was complimenting her eyes a wrong thing to say to her? Oh dear Helga Hufflepuff, why am I this awkward?

As if sensing his embarrassed state, Jacob sighed and smiled encouragingly at him. He placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, giving it a soft pat.

"Nah, look," he began. Newt looked up at him. "You just tell her that you missed her," Jacob advised, grinning. "Right, then tell her you're losing sleep at night for thinking of her. She'll love that. Just don't say anything about no salamanders, all right?"

Newt nodded. "Right," he breathed. "Okay."

"Hey, hey, hey." Jacob grabbed him by the shoulders and gently shook him. He looked at him in the eye, trying to put some confidence into his overly shy friend. "It's gonna be all right. The both of you'll be fine in no time!"

Newt deeply wished that he would be correct. He knew for a fact that Tina could be a bit...stubborn at times, he could tell from her stories that she told him through their correspondence (which sadly ended abruptly and on a negative note).

I hope I don't bugger things up when I get to talk to her, Newt thought. I always bugger things up when it comes to humans.

"Aww, don't worry, honey," a sweet voice reassured him.

Both Newt and Jacob turned around and saw that Queenie had returned from the refreshments table, holding to glasses of punch in her gloved hands. She handed one to Jacob and pecked his cheek sweetly.

"Thanks, doll," said Jacob as he took a sip from his glass.

Queenie giggled before turning to Newt. "Don't worry, Newt," she told him. "You'll do just fine."

Newt furrowed his brow. "Uhm, Queenie, what—? "

"I heard you," Queenie cut in, tapping her left temple with a finger.

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